Actuals Report

The HE Actuals Report in HRMS can be used to view the distribution of salary data by listing the funding sources and accounts for salary and fringe expenses to be charged for a department. Retroactive distributions appear on the report as corrections to the original pay period. This report can only be run for one pay period at a time with the current pay period available two business days before the current payday. It can be run at any time for the previous pay periods back to January 2005. The HE Actuals Report can be run for a specific employee but not a specific funding source.

Biennial Budget Summary Report

The HE Biennial Budget Summary Report returns budget and actual expense data for non-grant funds for a two-year period by division. The report will not show revenue information but will include totals for Fund, Department and Division as well as a Report total.

Budget Overview

The Budget Overview page will show specific budget details for a single fund/project/department/account or a range of funds/projects/departments/accounts. Criteria entered by the user will specify the values that identify controlled budgets and Budget Periods. The page can be used to review Revenue or Expenses or Multiple Ledgers

Budget Overview Report

The Budget Overview Report returns the same data as the online budget overview, and returns more than one ledger at a time if applicable. Criteria entered by the user will specify the fiscal year, budget periods, departments and funds that are returned in the report. 

Budget Status

The Budget Status Report returns budget and actuals expense information for a fund or range of funds. The report can be run for a range of funds, departments and account codes. The report period will be an entire fiscal year or the portion of the current fiscal year that has occurred. 

Budget to Actuals

The Budget to Actuals Report returns budget adjustment and actuals expense information for a fund. The report can only be run for one chartfield (Fund/Department) combination at a time. The report period can be for an entire fiscal year or for one period. Accounting periods are 1 through 12, corresponding with the fiscal months of the year, where July = 1; June = 12.

Budgeting Module Departmental User Manual

The Budgeting Module Departmental User Manual provides detail on the screens, fields and reporting that departmental users will have access to within PeopleSoft Budgeting.  It includes step by step instructions for the user to take to enter, change and submit the operating budgets being requested for the next fiscal year. 

Chart of Accounts

The Chart of Accounts is a listing of all account numbers and names utilized by NDSU within PeopleSoft. 

Department List

The Department Listis a listing of all department numbers and names utilized by NDSU within PeopleSoft.

FAQ's - Annual Salary Administration

The FAQ's - Annual Salary Administration answers some Frequently Asked Questions related to Annual Salary Administration.

Funding Summary Report

The Funding Summary Report shows information related to funding and budgeted amounts for all positions in a department. The report can be used to proof funding sources and budgets that are currently set up to be used for employees. This report will show the same information as the Department Budget Table without having to go into each individual DBT.

Prepare for Budgets Report

The HE Prepare for Budgets Report shows information related to funding and budgeted amounts for all positions in a department. The report can be used to review funding sources and budgets that are currently posted as permanent. This report will show the same information as the Department Budget Table without having to go into each individual DBT.  The HE Prepare for Budgets Report should be run at the beginning of the annual budget process to verify the information that will appear on the salary worksheets.  

Gross and Fringe Report

The Gross & Fringe Report can be used to view the distribution of salary data to verify wages, deductions and taxes paid to employees and the funding sources that were charged. Retroactive distributions will appear on the report during the pay period they were processed. The Gross & Fringe Report can be run for multiple pay periods at one time with previous pay periods always available and the current pay period available the day before payday. The Gross & Fringe Report can be run for a specific funding source but not a specific employee.

Local Fund Annual Budgeting Guidelines

The Local Fund Annual Budgeting Guidelines provide detailed information regarding various items to consider when budgeting local funds for the next fiscal year.

Local Fund Annual Budgeting - FAQs

The Local Fund Annual Budgeting - FAQs provides answers to some frequently received questions.

Payroll Account Codes Quick Reference

Payroll Account Codes Quick Reference

More details regarding combination codes can be found in the HRMS Users Guide.

Salary Administration Worksheet Instructions

The Salary Administration Worksheet Instructions are available to assist departments when completing the Annual Salary Budget worksheet. These instructions pertain only to filling out the Excel worksheet. Separate Salary Administration Guidelines will be provided to assist with the eligibility requirements, amounts or percentages and other relevant information for that year.

TLAB Default Funding Box

The TLAB Default Funding Box on the timesheet screen may present default funding that is different from the default funding that will be used to charge the payroll for the time period for which time is being entered or reviewed.

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