New Web search engine coming soon

Created by Jill |

In the next month, ITS plans to replace the search engine used on NDSU Web pages. The new engine will allow users to find content on all university Web sites, including those created in TYPO3.

As a result, all TYPO3 pages that have been published will be accessible using the search engine. This includes pages that are on the public site, but are not yet ready for public view (e.g., pages that have not been linked to, Web sites that have not been publicly announced).

What should you do?

If your site is already live in TYPO3, no action is required at this time.

If your site is not yet live in TYPO3, you should determine whether any pages have been published to the public site. If they have, verify that the published pages do not contain any information that is confidential or inappropriate for public presentation. This might include pages with “dummy content,” public announcements that are not ready for distribution, or drafts of documents that require some sort of approval.

In cases where the published content is simply “under construction,” the best option is to add a statement at the top of the page noting, “This Web site is in development. Please visit our current site at”

Another option for hiding published content is to create a redirect so that anyone visiting a published home page will automatically be sent to your current Web site.

For more information, please visit the TYPO3 knowledge base.

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