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Gamry Potentiostats

2 Femtostats, 4 PC4, and 4 Reference 600 potentiostats

Useful for coating analysis via EIS and corrosion based      DC electrochemistry as well as electrodeposition

Frequency range from 300,000 to 0.001 Hz

Maximum measurable impedance at 0.01 Hz is 1013 Ω

12V compliance potential at up to 30mA

Available techniques include EIS, open circuit potential, linear polarization, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical noise, polarization resistance, chronoamperometry, chronocoulometry, and chronopotentiometry

Princeton Applied Research Potentiostats

1 Parstat 2273 and 2 Parstat 273A

Good for systems with high ohmic drop or when an expanded frequency range or high current is required

100V compliance potential at 2 amps

Frequency range of 1 MHz to 10 µHz

Capable of measuring impedances up to 1013 Ω.

Can run multisine EIS measuring multiple frequencies at the same time

Other experiments include standard EIS, linear sweep voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry,  and pulse voltammetry

BAS 100 B Potentiostat

A potentiostat that is best suited to sensitive mechanistic and kinetic studies as well as electrodeposition

It can perform sweeping, step, pulse, polarography and square wave techniques as well as AC voltammetric and stripping techniques

The BAS 100B can perform EIS measurements but the frequency range is limited from 10-4 to 103 Hz

12 V compliance potential with 0.1 mV resolution

Scan rates from 100 µV/S to 300 V/S

Measures current from 100 nA to 100 mA

Rotating Disk Electrode

The rotating disk electrode is useful for mechanistic studies because the rotation of the working electrode controls the diffusion rate at the working electrode surface

Combination disk in ring electrodes allow many additional experiments not possible with a standard RDE

AFCBP1 bipotentiostat measures current from 100 nA up to 100 mA

Potential range from -10 V to 10 V with sweep rates from 1 mV/s to 1 V/s

Applicable Electronics Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique (2)

The Applicable Electronics SVET system measures potential gradients in solution to calculate current.

This system detects areas of anodic and cathodic activity and measures the reaction rate in those areas with a noise level of 1-3 µA depending on the sample.

Applicable Electronics Scanning Ion Selective Electrode

This Applicable Electronics system uses a pulled pipette as a microelectrode to detect local ion concentrations.

An ionophore liquid in pipette tip undergoes ion exchange with the sample solution allowing concentration to be measured as potential.

Can measure local pH accurately from a pH of 2 to 9

CH Instruments Scanning Electrochemical Microscope

Model 920C from CH Instruments

Works well for imaging the electrochemical reactions on a surface.

Can also calculate the probe to sample distance to obtain a topographical map of a samples

Good at studying heterogeneous electron transfer reactions to obtain rate constants

3 or 4 electrode experiments can be performed

Measurable current range is 1 picoamp to 250 mA

Potential range of -10 V to 10V

Scan rates from 1 x 10-6 V/s to 10,000 V/s with 0.1 mV resolution

PAR/Uniscan Multi Technique System

This system is capable of performing multiple techniques over the same area

Available Techniques:

Scanning Kelvin Probe


Local EIS

Scanning Droplet Technique

Optical Scanning Profilometry

Allows for nondestructive and destructive sample analysis

Other Capabilites

Conductive and Electrochemical AFM

4 point probe conductivities

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