May 30, 2013

Business faculty publish research


Sukumarakurup Krishnakumar, assistant professor of management and marketing, and Kay Hopkins, academic adviser for the College of Business, had their paper, "The Role of Emotion Perception Ability in Motivation to Lead," accepted for publication in Management Research Review.

Accounting and information systems faculty David Herda, assistant professor, and Tom Dowdell, associate professor, have had two manuscripts accepted for publication.

“Do Management Reports on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Improve Financial Reporting?” and “The Effect of External Audits of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting on Financial Reporting for Clients of Big 4, Second-Tier, and Small Audit Firms,” are expected to be published in 2014 issues of Research in Accounting Regulation.  Both papers were co-written with Matt Notbohm from the University of North Dakota.

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