New publications for MPH faculty

Assistant Professors Andrea Huseth-Zosel and Megan Orr had an article published online in the Journal of Transport and Health titled  Rural-Urban Differences in Health Care Provider Child Passenger Safety Anticipatory Guidance Provision. The article reviews the inadequate or lack of parent education about the correct usage of child restraints in automobiles. Surveys were completed by health care providers in rural and urban areas. Urban areas were more apt to supply education about the proper usage of child restraints along and also at increased frequency.

Article title: Rural-Urban Differences in Health Care Provider Child Passenger Safety Anticipatory Guidance Provision
Reference: JTH84
Journal title: Journal of Transport & Health Corresponding author: Dr. Andrea L. Huseth-Zosel First author: Dr. Andrea L. Huseth-Zosel Online publication complete: 8-APR-2015 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jth.2015.03.003

Associate Professor and MPH Director Don Warne had commentary published  in the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Dr. Warne's commentary was titled Investing in Native Community-Led Strategies to Improve Physical Activity.  The commentary reviewed the risk factors of many of the preventable diseases affecting Native Americans. The problems of obesity can be linked to changes in how food is grown and use of traditional hunting for sustenance. Forced relocation and reservations have also led to more of a sedentary lifestyle.




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