Some Questions about Raymond Carver’s "Cathedral"

1)  How would you describe the narrator and central character of "Cathedral"?  What kind of guy is he?  What does he value?  What does he fear?  How educated is he?  What’s his fundamental problem?  Explain and support your answers.

2) How would you describe the narrator's wife? Be specific and provide examples.

3) How would you describe Robert? Quote some passages which reveal the kind of person/character he is.

4)  What questions, established early on in "Cathedral," create the story’s narrative suspense?   What is it you want to find out?

5) Describe the story's plot, keeping in mind our discussions and class work with plot and plot devices.

6)  Are the narrative questions in "Cathedral" answered in the end?  What do you make of the story’s final scene(s)?  What’s happening—really?

7)  How would you describe Carver’s style?  Consider his diction (word choices), sentence length and structure, point of view, and tone of voice.  What effect do you suppose he’s after?  How might style reinforce what his story is ultimately about?
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