You'll find a variety of resources, from the practical to the (perhaps) entertaining, linked to this web home page:
- Travel articles cover more than a dozen fascinating places in Europe and
North America, and
- historical research emphasizes topics in France, the Dakotas, and the Red
River Valley.
- Students may find class syllabi, as well as a collection of informal newletters
reflecting the quirks of a university, called Solid B Work.
- A short writing guide "to small packages" is designed to offer beginning
media students a few hints normally not part of a standard text.
- For a detailed background about the instructor, consult his on-line vita.
Ross Collins vita.
Travel with Ross.
Writing guide to small packages (41k).
and scholarship.
syllabi and other course resource material.
Solid B Work: Insider news for students: queer facts, little-known
insights, background the profs never tell you.
Student publications:
Prairie Portraits.
Get in touch with Ross at: