(Sansevieria trifasciata)


This is the lazy college student's dream come true in plant form. This plant is tough to kill, but easy to love. You needn't worry about light, because it tolerates both bright and shady areas. Watering is minimal, actually, watering too much is one of the main causes of death to this plant; if the plant sits in water too long the roots will rot. With time, a single shoot will multiply into a dense cluster of plants. And it doesn't take up much room because it grows straight up.

This plant is known for it's long, swordlike, variegated, green and yellow foliage. It's sometimes called the snake plant because it is shiny with wax and the pattern on the foliage has a somewhat scaly appearance making it look like snake skin. 


Plant Specifics:

Origin Zaire
Growth Habits Up to four feet tall, slow growing, will multiply in time
Light Tolerance Tolerable to low and high light situations
Hardiness Hardy plant, can tolerate hot and cool temperatures
Watering Needs Moderate water; water and let dry, keep dry for at least a couple more days before the next watering to decrease chance for root rot 
Propagation Leaf cuttings, make sure you know which end is up




Matt McGregor

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