Bird of Paradise

Christine Mathiowetz

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower

Strelitzia reginae 'Flambouyant'

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Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise is just what it says..part of paradise. This exoitc flower is found wild in the banks of Africa.
The Bird-of-Paradise flower is a large tropical herb (Strelitzia reginae) part of the Musaceae family(banana family) and as mentioned native to South Africa. It is a long stemmed flower with large blue and orange blossom that resembles an exotic bird. It is grown in warmer regions such as California and Hawaii. During the winter the plants should be kept almost dry, but in the summer they need plenty of water. Strelitzia reginae are relatively pest free. For practical purposes they have no problems, but occasionally some pest problems occur.The Bird of Paradise is sold as a cut flower, as a greenhouse plant.


- Height of up to 5 feet

- Temperature 65-70 degrees

- Poisonous parts: Seeds and pods.

- Responds well to pruning

- Start it from a seed it takes five to seven years for blossoming to begin

- They have no scent



Wise Gardener