The Kiwi Fruit
By Reese Whitley

Family: Actinidiaceae
Scientific Name: Actinidia chinensis Planch

The kiwi fruit, otherwise known as the chinese gooseberry, is native to Eastern Asia but it is grown throughout much of Asia, Italy, France, Greece, Spain, U.S., and Australia. Being a well-adapted subtropical tree it is also grown in Taiwan, Chile, New Zealand and California. It is a dioecious vine plant known distinctly for its sweet tasting fruit. The fruit has a fuzzy brown outside, but inside is a velvety green color. The cultivars have tiny black, edible seeds. There are mainly two different kinds of kiwi fruit: Hardy and Golden. There are also two different types of kiwi fruit: Chico and Hayward. The vine itself can reach upto 30 feet.


  • This fruit is usually eaten fresh.
  • The juice can be mixed with other fruits to create exotic, yet trasteful drinks.
  • Also used in desserts and as a flavoring. The 30 foot vine can be used as a decoration in some gardens.


Climate- It is recommended to grow in USDA zones 8-10.
Soil-Should be grown in well drained soil.
Storage- The fruit should be chilled and stored away from other fruits so it won't go bad.

Methods :

Seed – Seeds are rarely used in cultivation of this fruit.
Grafting – Grafting is the most successful propagation method especially for large-scale production. Better varieties are grafted.
Fruit Development – Fruits usually appear at least a year after pollination. Cross-pollination is said to be necessary for fruit set.


Water –The vine should be watered regularly thruoghout the summer and moderately throughout the rest of the year.
Pests and Disease – California claims to have little problem with pests and disease but other parts of the world have difficulties with flies. 2-3 weeks after fruit development the fruits must be wrapped to prevent the fruit flies from laying their eggs in the fruit. You can tell if a plant has been infected by fruit flies by the appearance of black spots or scorched patches on the skin of the fruit. The best way to minimize pests is to remove all old or infected fruit immediately.

Harvesting & Marketing

Harvest - The kiwi fruit is usually harvested by hand from the tree. It is preferred to harvest in the morning when the temperatures are cool.
Storage – Unripe kiwis should be stored at room temperature until skin slightly indents when touched. To speed ripening, place kiwi fruit in paper bag with an apple or banana. Ripe kiwis can be kept in refrigerator up to three weeks.
Availability – The fruit is available from November through May in California. It is also available from June through October in New Zealand; and May through July in Chile.
Selection – Choose plump, fragrant kiwi that yields to gentle pressure, like a peach.


The fruit is low in fat, saturated fat-free, sodium-free, and cholesterol-free. It is also high in fiber and vitamin C. It is a good source of vitamin E and potassium.
Storage - Fruit should be stored at room temperature for a few days to a week away form heat or direct sunlight. To speed up ripening place in a paper bag with an apple or banana. Ripe fruit should be stored far from other fruits because of the sensitivty to ethylene gas and tends to overripen in refrigerator. Keep ripe kiwis for about one to two weeks.
Preparation – Peel with a vegetable peeler or a sharp paring knife. To eat with a spoon, cut in half and scoop out flesh. If the fuzz is rubbed off, it can be eaten skin and all.



Bouquet Of Fruits

Trade Winds Fruit

Desert Tropicals

Contact: Reese at