From College’s Handbook for Faculty and Lecturers, p. 6-7






Lecturers/Senior Lecturers


Lecturers/senior lecturers are hired primarily to teach, i.e., they are not expected to do research or perform duties usually referred to as "service," unless there are specific stipulations to that effect on their individual Lecturer Appointment letter.


Lecturers/senior lecturers are not members of the faculty and are not eligible for tenure. They are not subject to the evaluation procedures explained in Section VII of this handbook. A lecturer's appointment is made for a maximum of one year at a time but may be renewed (the Vice President for Academic Affair's approval is required after completion of the sixth year of appointment). Senior lecturer appointments are subject to the following regulations, approved by the Faculty Senate:


Senior lecturers shall be appointed annually (or for a longer period with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs) at a salary appropriate for their qualifications, responsibilities and department. Notice of termination of a senior lecturer appointment must be given by March 1 of the first full year of academic service, or by December 15 of the second or subsequent year of service, in order for the termination to be effective as of the end of that fiscal year of service.


In April, 1987, the faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences approved the following proposals submitted by the Policy and Planning Committee:


The position of senior lecturer is a special one designed for lecturers who demonstrate truly distinguished teaching skills and a strong commitment to professional development.


Criteria for elevation to the position of senior lecturer:


(1)  At least four years of service as a lecturer at NDSU


(2)  Distinguished teaching performance, reflected in high quality, creativity, demonstrated mastery of a range of materials in a variety of classes, and skilled use of contemporary pedagogical techniques and methods.


(3)  Continuing commitment to professional development. reflected in progress toward advanced degrees, scholarly and creative activities, and/or fundamental improvement of course content.  


Lecturers fulfilling these criteria may be nominated for the position of senior lecturer by their department chair, or a faculty member or senior lecturer in their department. Nominees must include complete and up-to-date resumes when they are nominated.


Nominees for the position of senior lecturer shall be evaluated in the following manner:


1) The faculty and senior lecturers of the department shall select a committee of three, including no more than one senior lecturer, to evaluate the qualifications of the nominee. The committee may include no more than one faculty member from another department. This committee shall evaluate teaching qualifications through classroom visits, student evaluations, and confidential student interviews. The committee shall then prepare a report on the nominee, to be submitted to the department chair and the dean of the college.


2) The department chair and the dean of the college shall evaluate the nominee, on the basis of the committee report, as well as any other materials they choose to study.


If the committee, the department chair, and the dean of the college agree that the nominee is qualified for elevation to the position of senior lecturer, they shall forward that recommendation to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. If one of the three evaluating units believes the nominee to be unqualified, he, she, or it may submit a dissenting report to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. If two or more of the evaluating units believe the nominee to be unqualified, elevation to the status of senior lecturer shall be denied.


In addition to participating in governance activities at the departmental level, senior lecturers in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences are eligible to serve on the following college committees:


1) Curriculum Committee;


(2) Student Progress Committee.


Each of these committees may have only one senior lecturer among its members, and each senior lecturer may selVe on only one of these committees at any given time. With regard to nomination, area representation, and length of selVice, the stipulations applying to faculty members also apply to senior lecturers.


In addition to being eligible to serve on the aforementioned college committees, senior lecturers are eligible to participate fully in all aspects of governance pertaining to these

committees (e.g.., vote on curriculum proposals) in college meetings.


Thus senior lecturers can vote on certain college-wide matters, while lecturers do not have voting rights in the college meetings. Lecturers and senior lecturers are all strongly encouraged to attend college meetings and to participate in the discussions.


Departments will decide individually to what extent they wish to encourage their lecturers/senior lecturers to participate in departmental affair