Poems, Flash Fiction, and Short Stories by Dezirae Fletcher


Author's Notes:


My name is Dezirae Ann Fletcher, and I am 17 years old. I am originally from Montana and have lived in North Dakota for about 7 ½ months. I love to write poetry and lyrics, so I was very excited to be in a creative writing class because I had never been in one. I am a very open person and love to try new things. I plan to own my own business in the future and who knows baby have a book of poetry out there!!! I am very friend and family orientated; there isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for my friends and family. I hope that my poems give you enough of a view of me, because technically I confuse myself and cant really explain who I am!!






Life is so unsatisfying,
Boring, sad and always lonely.
I still feel like dying.

I’ll never let you see me crying,
If I do I’d feel I lived so sadly.
Life is so unsatisfying.

My life is filled with lying,
Everyone speaks so falsely.
I still feel like dying.

My mind is fermenting,
Decaying ever so slowly.
I still feel like dying.

I feel like I am living for nothing,
My wanting for death screams loudly.
Life is so unsatisfying,
I still feel like dying.



Special (my love poem)


You'd never believe how you make me feel. All the kindness you've given me is what makes my life special. I want to live now, even if only for you. I long to see what this world has to give me and you. I'm amazed by all the happiness you've shown me. Yet the most meaningful thing to me is that you've given me the caring friendship I've always wanted and needed. You're the special person in my life, and I'll stay forever by your side.





Care a little less,
Quit your crying, try smiling,
Live a little more.

Give a little more,
Share your love, for it is true,
Help those who help you.



My Soul


Shallow yet in a sense deep,
Like a rising river in the rainy spring.
Ugly yet beautiful in its own little way,
Like a dying flower on a crisp fall day.
This is my soul buried within.
Like a hollowed out tree,
My mind is empty, no pity for others lies within.
Filled with hate yet still holding a smile,
Everything fades; all that’s left is denial.
This is my soul buried within.
Full of emotion it does remain,
Yet none will ever show, there is far too much pain.
Never a failure, never a winner,
I’m a person lost in this world, always a Sinner.
This is my soul buried within.
Never will you see what lies within me,
For it is dark and fermenting like a corpse six feet deep.
Crying out for forgiveness for all that has happened,
Realizing nothings perfect, take nothing for granted.
This is my soul buried within.



No longer Alone


She held the blade within her hands; she had the urge to bleed again. This time though she wanted to die, no longer wanting to bare the pain she held inside. She felt so alone in her room by herself. Sitting in the silence she heard an approaching noise. He burst through the door, the only person she ever loved, as he looked at what she held in her hands he softly begged her to stop. She noticed his face begin to pale and his usually sturdy hands shake, he looked at her with some thing to say, she told him to leave, he didn’t move and spoke anyway…
           “Life is beautiful,” he said to her, she thought for a second and called him a liar. He whispered, “I care for you,” as he began to cry, “please don’t hurt yourself at least stay with me.” She looked at his face soaked with tears, she thought about how he’s helped her conquer her fears. Her voice trailed off as she said, “I don’t want to live anymore.” She began to cry and whispered, “I feel unwelcome in this life of mine.” He looked at her, through his tear gagged eyes; he wanted to help her live her life.
             He moved closer to her and grabbed her hands, then decided he wanted to hold her instead. He held her tight as if he’d never let go; he felt her tears stop their flow. She looked in his eyes, redden from tears, she felt his love radiating to her. She said to him, “Thank you so much.” He quieted her then looked in her eyes, and softly said to her, “you’ll never again be alone, I’ll be by your side.”





The doors are closed, never to be opened again, you’ll never see inside, never be able to peep in. I’ve locked the doors and thrown away the key. I swear to myself I won’t let you see me. I’ve become too different to be with you. You don’t understand me, you probably never will. I feel worthless to you, never needed no matter what I do. I try to help you but you always shove me aside. I used to feel strong, happy, and loved. Now all I feel is weak, sad, and alone. I’ve finally stopped the pain; I’ll never let you use me again. It is your loss not mine. Go find another fool to play your games. I will forever remain hiding.




Slipping Away


I stand on the edge looking over all I see below is my life slipping, addictions I left behind are slowly coming back, why can’t I get rid of all this shit? I try to get away; I place myself outside the group. Still this is not enough change, people are cruel but I have gotten used to the things they say. My anger keeps growing and it’s becoming harder to hide. I try not to explode but I don’t know how much longer I can contain this. It’s overwhelming; my brain is burning with all the angry thoughts that run through my head. I am put through the torture daily my mood shifts until I am a total bitch. No longer will I wait, if I stay here much longer who knows what could happen. I am screaming out but know one hears me. Can’t you see what you’re doing to me by leaving me here? You say you don’t understand me, but how could you, I have to keep the real me locked inside for fear I could become angry or ashamed or emotional. No one sees the real me, for there is no me to most. I don’t exist; I am just a waste of space and air. I can not be myself because I am not good enough for you, I am just a person. The light has gone dim and is almost out; take me away, for I feel life slipping rapidly away.



A Vision of Me


This my friend is a scripture of who I am. I say these words to unlock my doors and let you in. Enter my walled emotions and find what you seek, for all these words are pieces of me. I can’t be everything and I am far from perfect, but I am who I want to be and nothing can change that. So question what you will and see what you dare to see but always remember a vision of me.



On The Outside


I look to you from so far away, and see the pain on your face. I don't know what tortures you and causes you to hide away, though I wish I could help you and see you smile again. I feel so worthless when I hear your crying and I can’t help you even when I try. You've kept it all inside locked away from everyone including me. I want to see your smile again and know that you’re happy, but I'm on the outside unable to help destroy the demon within.



The Fabulous Four (My fictional story)


Away in a jungle of the hidden worlds there lived a spider that tortured the minds of the people. The spider was formally called Shi-acklowa, meaning scary beast, by the Sheazo people. Shi-acklowa was as gruesome looking as a spider could be, he was as large as most of the village people's huts and had hair of metallic silver. The Sheazo were deathly afraid of Shi-acklowa because he would capture their children in his various webs and suck their bodies dry. Daily the Sheazo prayed to their gods asking for a way to destroy the horrid spider, but nothing ever came.

Suddenly in the village there was a large commotion, a group of four guys arrived to try and conquer the legendary Shi-acklowa. "How do we find Shi-acklowa," asked the guys. "You don't want to do this," replied the warden of the village, "Shi-acklowa eats people and has beaten armies of hundred of men. What could the four of you mere teenage boys do?" "We are stronger than you'd think, now show us the way," exclaimed Mark confidently

Seeing the four guy’s bravery and confidence the village leader gave in, "follow me," he said dryly to the boys, "and if anything happens to you it is your problem." "We understand that completely," said Derek, also known as Zoolander. The village man began leading the way out of the village and into the vast jungle that surrounded it. "Is it true that this spider, Shi-acklowa, is as big as a hut," asked Joseph with a weary look in his eyes. "Shi-acklowa is large indeed," said the villager, "and he eats our children who get lost in this jungle, and who knows he may eat you!" "Gee, thanks, that is truly what I needed to here," replied Joseph sarcastically. After hours of walking the village man turned to the four and said, "I leave you now; continue this trail and you will find Shi-acklowa. He is big and he eats humans yes, but he is week. Slash the eye on his underside and he shall perish, that is if you can get to the underside."

Quickly the village man turned and walked away. The four carried on walking for another hour or so when they saw the beginnings of a web. Suddenly from the trees above they heard a sick and dreadful screech. Within that instance Shi-acklowa was on the ground in front of the four. "That’s the sickest looking thing I’ve ever seen," said Shawn in a whispered tone. With a quick swipe of a leg the spider was shooting string at the four, in that instance Mark let out a scream. Shi-acklowa was spinning him up into a cocoon of web. The remaining three grabbed for their friend but it was too late he was already wrapped. They grabbed for their slingshots and magic paper wads and ran directly for the spider. "You two distract him, I'll go underneath him," yelled Zoolander to Shawn and Joseph.

With that thought Shawn and Joseph ran head on to the spider. Slowly Zoolander walked near the back of the spider to where he could get at his underside easily. Suddenly Shawn screamed as Shi-acklowa began wrapping him into a webby cocoon. Knowing he must act fast Zoolander paid no mind to the screams and headed on with his mission. Soon he was under the spider with his slingshot and magic paper wad. "Zoolander hurry up we've got to get these two to the fountain of life as soon as this thing is dead," shouted Joseph. Knowing he had to hurry Zoolander stood directly under the unseeing eye and shot his magic paper wad into the air. Amazingly the paper wad hit directly on the eye and Shi-acklowa let out a horrific squeal. With the quickness the spider began to stumble on his gigantic eight legs, "Zoolander get out of there before that thing falls on you," Joseph yelled over the screaming spider. "I'm right behind you," exclaimed Zoolander, "now let’s get these two to the fountain of life."

They picked up Mark and Shawn's webbed bodies and began walking back through the Jungle. When they reached the village again the Sheazo people cheered and threw gifts at the guys. The village leader walked up to the two, four if you count the two webbed bodies, and said, "I see you had some complications, but you did our village well. I will give you the directions to the fountain of life so that you can save your friends, but you must hurry. He led the guys through the trees to a narrow trail head, "follow this," he stated, "and you shall be to the fountain of life within the hour, remember though that you must cross the desert and at times the wind there can be dreadful.

The village leader turned back to the way they came and headed for the village. "Common we have to get these to there soon so that they don't die on us," said Joseph nervous at the thought of two of his buddies dying. They started for the fountain of life, and wouldn't you know as they walked further on the trail the jungle began to turn to a desert. "It is so weird how this goes from Green to brown within a mile," stated Zoolander a little bewildered at the site, "and it is getting dryer and hotter to." "Imagine how the two in the webbing feel," Joseph said trying to lift Zoolander's spirits a little. Suddenly there was nothing before them but sand.

They were now in the desert and the heat was causing them to fear for their friends. "We have to hurry before these two dry up into skeletons," Joseph said without a hint of sarcasm in his voice. They sped up as much as they thought they could without weakening themselves out but still were nervous about how their friends were doing trapped inside of all the stringy webbing that remained of Shi-acklowa. Suddenly out of nowhere the wind that the old village man described crept up, within that instance a tornado of dust was whirling around near the four.

"We got to hurry," cried Zoolander as he began to run across the sand. The wind kept growing faster and faster as they ran up and down the little sand dunes. A wall of sand suddenly rose above them and then everything was sand all around them. "Keep running," yelled Joseph as loud as he could covering his mouth so that the sand that was swirling around him didn't fill it and choke him. Without seeing the two kept running as fast as they could carry their friends.

Suddenly everything stopped and they were in a place much like the jungle. The surrounding area was so lush and green that all they could do was stare for a moment. It was a total shock to them, especially being that they were out of the dry and heat of the previous jungle and desert, that it was actually cool there. "Look, strait ahead there's the fountain," cried Zoolander with relief, "let’s get these to over there before it is too late. The two were so filled with excitement from seeing the fountain that they ran all the way to it.

Out of thin air a girl appeared. She was small and frail but had a solemn face that told of how strong she truly was. In a voice of more melodious than the two had ever heard she simply said, "You have done well to defeat Shi-acklowa and proved yourselves worthy to use the fountain of life. Lay your friends on the ground under the waters and let the water remove the web." With those few and graceful words she was gone. Amazed and in a half daze Joseph and Zoolander carried their friends over to the fountain and laid them down just as the girl had said. Within seconds the webbing was disappearing and Shawn and Mark were waking.

"Where are we," Shawn asked as he sat up looking around in complete daze, "and how did we get here?" "This is going to take a lot of explaining," exclaimed Joseph, "put it this way. Shi-acklowa is dead, and the rest of the story we will explain to you on our way back across the desert." Mark turned and stared at Joseph with a shocked look upon his face, "across the what?"



Talking To Myself


I say hello again to myself for there is no one to talk to and nothing that is felt. I wish I could be happy I wish I could be free. I want to die and break away from me. I am my own demon no one else can harm me as I have done; I stare at the scars and remind myself what made each and every one. I cant feel the happiness that I used to have, the memories ran dry and have left me feeling out of hand. Don't tell me you understand and that you've been there to because everyone is different that means I am nothing like you. our situations may be similar and so very much alike but there is nothing relating us because you don't know what or how I felt. Don't judge me by what you know and feel, for you cant even judge yourself. So back away and don't try to change me because I am the only one that can save me.


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