Brownian Motion

"true" if statistics of random walk are to be shown size in pixels of the simulation-area
In 1828 the Scottish botanist Robert Brown, observing pollen grains in water, discovered the random movement of colloidal particles in a liquid. Here we see a simple model of Brownian motion involving a large particle (mass M) colliding with an ideal gas of small particles (mass m=M/100) in a viscous medium (viscosity mu). The inclusion of viscosity proves to be essential for properly describing dissipation (for a detailed treatment, see The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 1).

Einstein and Smoluchowski (1905) solved the corresponding equations of motion and found that, after a time interval t, the large particle has traveled an average distance r = (6kT/mu) t^(1/2) at temperature T. We can verify this dependence by plotting log(r) vs. log(t). With increasing equilibration time, the data are increasingly well fit by a straight line of slope 1/2. Note that the data are plotted as cumulative averages (as they become available) before full equilibration.

Alan Denton    e-mail: alan.denton [at] ndsu [dot] edu
Anne Denton   e-mail: anne.denton [at] ndsu [dot] edu