Department of Physics

Department of Physics Apple - Gravity

Phone (701) 231-8974, fax (701) 231-7088

Seminar Abstract

October 1, 2003:

"Shear-Induced Microstructure of
Near-Critical Colloid-Polymer Mixtures

Dr. Hao Wang
Department of Physics
North Dakota State University

The microstructural response of a colloidal dispersion, near a gas-liquid critical point, to a stationary shear flow is explored. Starting from the N-particle Smoluchowski equation, we derive an explicit expression for the shear rate dependence of the static structure factor. This new expression improves our previous treatment by taking the shear-induced distortion of the short-ranged pair-correlation function into account, which may become important on approach to the critical point. We also perform small angle light scattering experiments on a polymer-colloid mixture under stationary shear flow. Our theory successfully explains the experimental data, especially the collapse of the static structure factor on the gradient-vorticity plane.