DNA Structure

DNA Replication

Eukaryotic Chromosome Structure

Study Questions

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Genetic Topics

Study Questions

  1. What were the features of the DNA molecule described by Watson and Crick? Are these features the same for all DNA molecules? How do other DNA molecules differ from those described by Watson and Crick?

  2. Describe the roles of different proteins in DNA replication.

  3. What are the roles of RNA primers and Okazaki fragments during DNA replication?

  4. Provide a detailed discussion of the steps of DNA replication.

  5. What is the relationship between nucleosomes, 30 nm fibers and the scaffold structure with respect to the organization of DNA in the nucleus?

  6. Discuss the three repetition classes of eukaryotic genomic DNA.

  7. What is meant by the C-value Paradox?
Copyright © 1997. Phillip McClean