Homepage of Morgan O'Brien

Name Morgan O'Brien
Email morgan.obrien@ndsu.edu
Address 1210 Albrecht Boulevard, Minard Hall Fargo, ND, 58102-5060 Office 408E14

My name is Morgan O'Brien, and I am a graduate teaching fellow an eighth year mathematics graduate student at North Dakota State University. My Ph.D. advisor is Dr. Doğan Çömez. My research interests lie in Operator Theory and von Neumann algebras, with my particular focus being in the study of Noncommutative Ergodic Theory. Research-wise, this semester I will be continuing my work in trying to extend known results in classical (commutative) weighted and subsequential ergodic theory to the noncommutative setting. Teaching-wise, this semester I am teaching two sections of Basic Linear Algebra (Math 129). I was in charge of coordinating the Mathematics Department's Graduate Colloquium from Fall 2019 until Spring 2022.

I have taken the following classes here at NDSU: Measure Theory (Math 750)[F17], Functional Analysis (Math 754)[S18], Operator Theory (Math 893)[F19], Measurable Dynamics (Math 793)[F18], Ergodic Theory and Symbolic Dynamics (Math 857)[S19], Fractal Geometry and Dimension Theory (Math 857)[F22], Harmonic Analysis (Math 756)[S19], Modern Probability Theory (Math 878)[F21], Classic Convexity (Math 857)[S18], Spherical Harmonics (Math 793)[F18], Uniqueness Problems in Harmonic and Geometric Analysis (Math 857)[Sp23], Ring Theory (Math 720)[F18], Homological Algebra (Math 726)[S20], Algebraic Geometry (Math 824)[S21], Computational Commutative Algebra (Math 824)[S23], Combinatorial Commutative Algebra (Math 824)[F23], Algebraic Topology (Math 746)[F17], Differential Topology (Math 747)[S18], Surgery Theory (Math 849)[F19], Lattices in Lie Groups (Math 849)[S20], Analytic Combinatorics (Math 839)[F20], Dynamical Algebraic Combinatorics (Math 839)[F22], Alternating Sign Matrices (Math 839)[F19], Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations (Math 793)[F18], and Methods of Optimization (Math 880)[S19].

Teaching-wise here at NDSU I've done the following:

Intermediate Algebra (Math 98) - Instructor [Fall 2022 - 2 Sections, Spring 2023 - 1 Section]

Finite Mathematics (Math 104) - Instructor [Spring 2020 - 1 Section, Spring 2022 - 1 Section, Spring 2024 - 2 Sections]

Basic Linear Algebra (Math 129) - Instructor [Spring 2023 - 1 Section, Fall 2023 - 2 Sections, Fall 2024 - 2 Sections]

Calculus I (Math 165) - TA [Fall 2017 - 2 Sections]

Calculus II (Math 166) - Instructor [Summer 2020 - 1 Section], TA [Spring 2018 - 2 Sections, Fall 2019 - 2 Sections]

Multivariate Calculus (Math 259) - TA [Fall 2021 - 2 Sections]

University Physics I Recitation (Phys 251R) - Instructor [Spring 2022 - 1 Section]

Mathematics Emporium - TA [Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2021]

Below is my schedule for Spring 2024. Additional office hours are available by appointment.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9AM Linear Algebra   Linear Algebra || Linear Algebra
10AM Office Hours (Start 10:30) Algebra Seminar Office Hours (Start 10:30) || Office Hours (Start 10:30)
11AM Office Hours (End 11:30) Analysis Seminar Office Hours (End 11:30) || Office Hours (End 11:30)
12PM       Research Day  
1PM Linear Algebra   Linear Algebra || Linear Algebra
2PM       ||  
3PM   Colloquium   ||  

Here is the link to the NDSU Math department homepage.

Here are some other things:

  • Research: My preprints and an overview of my research interests are listed here.

  • Teaching: Blackboard probably contains the relevant materials for whatever class you need me for.
    Morgan O'Brien, last updated around 8/21/2024