Gary B. Sidder U.S. Geological Survey Denver Federal Center Box 25046, MS-905 Denver, CO 80225-0046 303-236-5607/FAX 303-236-5603 To: The Public From: Gary Sidder Subject: PETRO.CALC.PLOT Petro.exe is a binary self-extracting archive file for Windows. petmac.sea.hqx is a self-extracting archive for Macintosh encoded with BinHex4. PETRO.CALC.PLOT is a package of macros that run in Microsoft Excel 3.0 and 4.0 for Macintosh computers. The macros have also been written to run in Microsoft Excel 3.0 and 4.0 for Windows. PETRO.CALC.PLOT minimizes repetition and time required to recalculate and plot whole-rock oxide data for petrologic analysis. Macros provided in PETRO.CALC.PLOT normalize whole-rock oxide data to 100 percent, calculate the cation percentages and molecular proportions used for normative mineral calculations, compute the apices for common ternary diagrams, determine sums and ratios of specific elements of petrologic interest, and plot 33 X-Y graphs and five ternary diagrams. PETRO.CALC.PLOT may also be used to create other diagrams as desired by the user. PETRO.CALC.PLOT is available from Gary B. Sidder at the above address. To order, send a double-sided, high-density 3.5" disk to Gary at the above address and include a floppy disk mailer for return mail. Indicate which version (Macintosh or Windows) of PETRO.CALC.PLOT is desired, and also indicate whether a paper copy of the text is needed. The text is in Microsoft Word 4.0 and WordPerfect 2.1.4 formats; accompanying figures and tables are in Microsoft Excel 3.0 and Aldus Freehand 3.0. The path to run the macros directly from the floppy disk has been entered and saved. One may test each of the macros to see how they run by opening Excel 3.0 or 4.0, opening a macro, pulling down MACRO-RUN from the menu bar, and selecting OK. When the d ialog box asks if the macro is running on the hard disk, answer cancel (no). Test data files are provided to run with data macro in the folder calculation macro and test data. Sample plot data files are provided for the four graph macros (graph macro-Ha rker diagrams, graph macro-MgO diagrams, Petrology graph macro, and Æ graph macro) in the folder plot data for all graph macros. If the macros are copied from the floppy disk to your machine with a new hard disk name, the hard disk path will have to be c hanged for the macros to run. Examples are given in the paper and by the macros, too, for how to enter the hard disk path. Microsoft Excel does not need to be in the path name if the macros are not copied into the Excel folder (if the macros are copied directly onto the hard disk in their own folder). The macros run a bit slower on the floppy disk; however, the results are exactly the same. TIP: Close all files after running any macro, and before running the next macro, by holding down Shift and pull ing down FILE-CLOSE ALL from the menu bar. Do not save any changes in the macros, calculationfile, individual plot files, or the test data or plot data files. The macros will run faster with fewer windows open at one time. Thank you for trying PETRO.CALC.PLOT. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the macros or the text, please contact me at the above address and numbers. 2