Accounts Payable

Q: Are flowers an allowable expense?

A:  No.  These must not be charged to University funds regardless of the funding source.  The only exception is when the recipient is an external party to NDSU who is a past, current or prospective customer.  External parties include students (including student employees), businesses and other outside organizations.  This does not include employees or the employee's immediate family.

Q: Can I make a donation with NDSU funds?

A:  No.  You cannot donate money to a charity, any individual or association regardless of funding source.

Q: Can I purchase gift cards with NDSU funds?

A:  No.  These must not be charged to University funds regardless of the funding source.  The only exception is when the recipient is an external party to NDSU who is a past, current or prospective customer. External parties include students (including student employees), businesses and other outside organizations. This does not include employees or the employee's immediate family.

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