Getting It Right Canola Production Webinar
Your hosts: Ana Carcedo and Anitha Chirumamilla
Scheduled to appear:
- Brian Jenks - Weed issues in canola
- Venkata Chapara - Wet weather, diseases, and the impact on canola yield
- Anitha Chirumamilla - Canola agronomy updates
- David Ripplinger - Canola's role in global biofuel production expansion
- Janet knodel - How to minimize canola losses from insect pests
- Frayne Olson - Canola market update
- Ana Carceda - NDSU variety trials recap and how to use them
CCA credits will be available.
This program is sponsored by the Northern Canola Growers Association.

Requests for accommodations related to disability should be made to the event contact person at least two weeks in advance of the event.