
North Dakota Canola Variety Trial Results for 2019 and Selection Guide

(A1124-19, Nov. 2019)

The ND Canola Variety Trial Results provide producers with data on canola performance throughout the state and gives information about yield and other information needed for accurate selection of canola hybrids for agricultural production in North Dakota.

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Hans Kandel, Agronomist, NDSU Extension
Other Authors

Mukhlesur Rahman and Adnan Akyüz (NDSU Main Station); Mike Ostlie, Blaine Schatz and Kelly Bjerke (Carrington Research Extension Center); Bryan Hanson, Travis Hakanson and Lawrence Henry (Langdon Research Extension Center); Jerry Bergman, Gautam Pradhan, Meridith Miller, Justin Jacobs and Tyler Tjelde (Williston Research Extension Center); John Rickertsen and Michael Wells (Hettinger Research Extension Center).

Available in print from the NDSU Distribution Center.

Contact your county NDSU Extension office to request a printed copy.
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