Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to the PCPE Blog!

As stated in our mission statement, we engage in research and educational programs to better understand the institutions and policies that encourage and enhance human well-being. To achieve this mission, we strive to produce research and programming that advance knowledge to help local communities and humanity thrive. 

Part of fulfilling that mission is communicating with the citizens we serve. 

Jim Rohn said, “Effective communication is 20 percent what you know and 80 percent how you feel about what you know.” 

We produce many reports, journal articles, and publications to inform readers about what we know, but this blog provides an opportunity for us to communicate 100 percent by infusing our writing with the passion and dedication we have for our work. In other words, how we feel about what we know. Our bloggers will use logic and empirical evidence to share their expert opinions on a diverse set of topics.

Our Purpose

While not all readers will share our writers’ views, the purpose of this blog is to invite thoughtful inquiry and respectful discussion. We endeavor to encourage readers to think critically about the ideas we propose, and in return, we hope readers will challenge our bloggers. 

The focus of our blog posts will vary. They will explore issues related to public choice—the study of political behavior using economic principles; private enterprise—the foundation of capitalism; and other areas within the field of economics. 

We have opened this forum to support our mission and effectively communicate with you. We hope you will enjoy the PCPE Blog and share it with others!

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