
To serve and act on behalf of the needs, rights and well-being of all children, their families and university students.


The guiding principle of the center is that children learn in an environment that supports their success while being respectful of each child's learning style. The environment fosters the developemnt of trust so children feel safe and encouraged to explore, discover and play. Teachers listen to children, encourage independence, self-control and develop teaching strategies to promote positive outcomes for all children. Parent invovlement is always welcome in the center to promote a strong home-center parntnerhship.

Primary Goals

  • Educate and care for children using developmentally appropriate curriculum.
  • Provide support and strengthen the quality of life for young children and their families.
  • Educate and support university students as they pursue their education at NDSU.
  • Serve as a research facility for NDSU.
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