Faculty sites now available
CMS terms of service
Faculty sites will be held to the same
CMS terms of service
Overview of guidelines for faculty sites in CMS
Web Address (URL)
Site URLs will be in the format www.ndsu.edu/faculty/yourID . The format of the URL is non-changeable.
Sites requested for a faculty member are not transferable to another individual or department/organization.
This means you should not author content that you intend to move to a department/organization site. There is no "upgrade" service available to take an individual site and revamp it as a department/program/organization site.
Shared authoring
The only person who will be granted access to author/publish an individual faculty site is the faculty owner herself.
Graduate assistants, students, and other members of the NDSU campus community will not be granted authoring/publishing access to someone else's individual faculty site.
Per NDSU policy 710.1 requirements and guidelines, templates provided for faculty sites have the following characteristics
- Do not use the official NDSU headers
- Do not contain the official NDSU buttons/navigation
- Do contain the required disclaimer "This Web page represents the views of the author and are not necessarily those of North Dakota State University. NDSU is not responsible or liable for its contents"
The official NDSU template is not available for use for faculty sites.
There is an NDSU search box embedded in the site template, however there is no "search only my material" feature available for individual faculty sites.
Ownership and responsibility of content
The named faculty owner of the site is responsible to adhere to all NDSU and NDUS policies with relation to the content she creates/stores using the CMS service.