Early Career Teaching Excellence Award

Each year, the College of Engineering (CoE) recognizes outstanding teaching activities of CoE faculty by awarding the CoE Teacher of the Year.  The CoE Academic Affairs Committee in conjunction with the Office of the Dean is soliciting nominations for this award. The deadline for receipt of nominations and supporting materials is 5 p.m. on Friday, April 12, 2024.

Nomination Document

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Candidate must be faculty with 6 or fewer years of experience (counted from his/her start date at NDSU to the December 31st immediately prior to the application deadline) in one of the CoE Departments.
  • Candidate must not have won this award previously.

Nominations and the Required Supporting Materials:

The nominations for this award must be submitted as PDF files by the CoE Departments to Alissa Kuntz at alissa.k.kuntz@ndsu.edu, who will forward the materials to the CoE Academic Affairs Committee. Each Department can nominate one individual for this award.

The nomination packet must include:

  • A one-page cover letter, signed by the Department Chair, including the candidate’s name, their present rank and affiliated department, a brief paragraph summarizing the candidate’s history of employment at NDSU (including date of hire and dates of promotion/tenure if applicable), and a brief paragraph describing the candidate’s teaching and research focus as well as major teaching contributions to the Department.

The following materials are required to support the candidate’s activities conducted during the past five years. If the candidate’s tenure at NDSU is less than five years, the information is limited to the candidate’s tenure at NDSU (i. e., without reference to prior employment).

  • A highlight of the candidate’s teaching accomplishments and impacts.
  • A list of the candidate’s teaching responsibilities in past five years with any suitable supporting evaluation data.
  • Any letter of reference from the department’s student associations in support of the nominee’s teaching accomplishments and impacts.
  • A list of graduate students advised (including continuing students) and the number of undergraduate students advised as advisor in the past five years, if applicable.
  • A list of the nominee’s affiliations in professional societies and professional development activities related to engineering education.
  • A one-page statement written by the nominee describing his/her teaching philosophy.
  • The record of any course, lab, and curriculum development by the nominee at NDSU.
  • The record of teaching research/scholarship completed by the nominee at NDSU.

Selection Criteria:

The CoE Academic Affairs Committee will use the recommendations and supporting documents to rank the nominees based on:

  • The quality of teaching, student mentoring and advising, as well as course and/or lab development.
  • The commitment to teaching responsibilities.
  • The commitment to foster student learning both at graduate and undergraduate levels.
  • Other evidence of teaching innovation and excellence.

The Office of the Dean will announce the winner of this award.  

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