Excellence in Research Award

Each year, the College of Engineering (CoE) recognizes the outstanding research activities and achievements of CoE faculty by awarding the CoE Researcher of the Year. The CoE Research and Graduate Committee in conjunction with the Office of the Dean is soliciting nominations for this award. The deadline for receipt of nominations and supporting materials is 5 p.m. on Friday, April 12, 2024.

Nomination Document

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Candidate must be a tenured full-time faculty member or a full-time research member with more than 6 years of experience (counted from his/her start date at NDSU to the December 31st immediately prior to the application deadline) in one of the CoE Departments.
  • Candidate must not have won this award in the past five years.

Nominations and the Required Supporting Materials:

The nominations for this award must be submitted as PDF files by the CoE Departments to Alissa Kuntz at alissa.k.kuntz@ndsu.edu, who will forward the materials to the CoE Research and Graduate Committee. Each Department can nominate one individual for this award.

The nomination packet must include:

  • A one-page cover letter, signed by the Department Chair, including the candidate’s name, the present rank and affiliated department, a brief paragraph summarizing the candidate’s history of employment at NDSU (including date of hire and dates of promotion/tenure if applicable), and a brief paragraph describing the candidate’s teaching and research focus as well as major research contributions to the Department.
  • Two letters of reference from peers or colleagues in support of the candidate’s research accomplishments and impact.

The following supporting materials are required to support the candidate’s research activities conducted during the past five years at NDSU. If the candidate’s tenure at NDSU is less than five years, the information is limited to the candidate’s tenure at NDSU (i.e., without reference to prior employment).

  • A highlight of the candidate’s research accomplishments and impacts.
  • A list of the candidate’s research output, e.g., journal and conference publications, technical papers, books, book chapters, abstracts, posters, patents and intellectual properties, software, oral presentations, invited talks, etc., in chronological order within appropriate headed categories. Note: Papers or publications “in preparation” or “submitted for review” must be excluded. Papers “accepted for publication” are appropriate for inclusion. Please also indicate NDSU student author(s) and corresponding author(s) for each publication.
  • A list of funded research grants with the title, amount, funding source(s), start and expiration dates, in chronological order. In the case of multiple PIs, the candidate’s share of the grant must be clearly indicated.
  • A list of graduate students advised (including continuing students) as the major advisor and as a committee member, in chronological order. The status of the graduate students (e.g., Ph.D., Master, or exchange/visiting graduate students) should be identified. In the case of graduate(s) supervised by multiple professors including the candidate, all the supervisors of the student(s) should be listed.
  • A list of postdoctoral research fellows, research scientists, and visiting scholars sponsored by the candidate.
  • A list of leadership and provision of services in research conferences at the national and international levels, providing services in national research committees as a member, chair or in any other leadership role, serving as a reviewer or as an evaluator for peer research proposals, research papers and other related works.
  • A list of the candidate’s affiliations in professional societies and professional development activities related to research.
  • A list honors and awards for research contributions at local, regional, national and/or international levels, in chronological order.
  • A curriculum vita.

Selection Criteria:

The CoE Research and Graduate Committee will use the recommendations, letters of reference, and supporting documents to rank the nominees based on:

  • Research products resulting from the nominee’s research conducted at NDSU.
  • Quality and impact of the nominee’s research conducted at NDSU.
  • The commitment to foster the research activities of graduate and undergraduate students.
  • Evidence of scholarship of research.
  • Evidence of mentoring junior faculty in research development.
  • The commitment to research responsibility, comparable with NDSU as a land-grant research university.
  • Other evidence of research innovation and excellence.

The Office of the Dean will announce the winner of this award.

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