BS in Cybersecurity

The Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity is offered by the Department of Computer Science. The curriculum includes courses in topics including defensive network security, networking, ethical hacking, malware analysis, programming, and cybersecurity law and policy.  It also provides a background in general education areas such as mathematics and communications. 

Cybersecurity seeks to prevent and provides the tools to respond to attacks against computing systems and organizations.  It is a field that spans numerous areas, ranging from the highly technical aspects of securing and testing the security of IT systems to preventing manual data theft by organization members.  Cybersecurity practitioners protect important private information in all areas of society – ranging from healthcare to banks to government – and secure systems that are critical to everyone’s day-to-day lives. 

Plan of Study
Those wishing to earn a BS degree typically start with the core computer science courses CSCI 160 and 161. For the most current and accurate degree requirements, please refer to the university catalog page. The major requires the courses from the following list;

CSCI 105: Introduction to Cybersecurity
CSCI 159: Computer Science Problem Solving
CSCI 160: Computer Science I (fall and spring)
CSCI 161: Computer Science II (fall and spring)
CSCI 222: Discrete Mathematics (fall and spring)
CSCI 277: Introduction to UNIX
CSCI 305: Principles of Cybersecurity
CSCI 366: Database Systems (fall and spring)
CSCI 371: Web Scripting Languages
CSCI 374: Computer Organization and Architecture
CSCI 403: Defensive Network Security
CSCI 404: Ethical Hacking
CSCI 408: Malware Detection, Analysis and Threat Mechanisms
CSCI 409: Cybersecurity Law and Policy
CSCI 410: Computer Crime and Forensics
CSCI 411: Secure Software Development
CSCI 445: Software Projects Capstone
CSCI 359: Networking
CSCI 474: Operating Systems Concepts

ENGL 321: Writing in the Technical Professions   OR  ENGL 324: Writing in the Sciences

MATH 146: Applied Calculus I   OR  MATH 165: Calculus I

STAT 367: Probability   OR  STAT 330: Introductory Statistics

STAT 368: Statistics   OR  STAT 331: Regression Analysis

ELECTIVES: Students need to take an additional 6 credits of Cybersecurityelectives from the following:

CSCI 213: Modern Software Development
CSCI 412: Mobile Software Engineering
CSCI 462: Mobile and Wireless Networks
CSCI 706: Data-Driven Security (with department permission)
EMGT 150
EMGT 435
MATH 473: Cryptology

*A grade of “C” or better is required in all CSCI , ECE, and MATH  prefix courses used toward the major including core requirements and electives.

Except for courses offered only as Pass/Fail grading, no course may be taken Pass/Fail.

Core courses cannot be utilized as elective courses. 


(Must satisfy General Education**)

Communication: 12 credits (including Engl 321 or Engl 324)
Humanities and Fine Arts: 6 credits
Science & Technology: 10 credits
Social and Behavioral Sciences: 6 credits
Wellness: 2 credits

**Cultural Diversity and Global Perspectives credits required


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