Supported and Non-Supported Space

Supported Space is university property that Facilities Management is funded by the Vice President of Finance and Administration to maintain. This includes the areas that are occupied by almost all academic departments and designated academic and administrative support units. Maintenance of these areas is funded by State of North Dakota appropriated funding for operations and maintenance. Designation as supported space is based on the functional or programmatic use of the property, not the physical characteristics. Within the same university building, there may be some areas where maintenance is funded by Facilities Management and in other areas maintenance is paid for by the nonsupport unit occupying the space.

Non Supported Space refers to the University space or property that Facilities Management is not funded to maintain. This generally includes facilities used by departments or programs involved in research activites. It also includes self-supporting units such as Transportation, Dining Services, Residence Life and Student Based Organizations. Costs for maintaining non supported space must be paid for by the department or program that requests or uses it.

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