options pageno=1; data RCBD; input SEEDRATE REP YIELD; datalines; 25 1 5.1 50 1 5.3 75 1 5.3 100 1 5.2 125 1 4.8 150 1 5.3 25 2 5.4 50 2 6.0 75 2 5.7 100 2 4.8 125 2 4.8 150 2 4.5 25 3 5.3 50 3 4.7 75 3 5.5 100 3 5.0 125 3 4.4 150 3 4.9 25 4 4.7 50 4 4.3 75 4 4.7 100 4 4.4 125 4 4.7 150 4 4.1 ;; proc print; title 'Printout of RCBD Data with No Sampling'; run; proc anova; classes rep seedrate; model yield=rep seedrate; means seedrate/lsd; title 'ANOVA for RCBD with No Sampling'; run;