options pageno=1; data nomiss; INPUT Trt $ Rep Yield; datalines; A 1 9 B 1 11 C 1 3 D 1 7 A 2 8 B 2 13 C 2 5 D 2 10 A 3 7 B 3 12 C 3 8 D 3 4 ;; proc print; title 'Printout of RCBD Data with No Missing Data'; run; proc anova; classes REP TRT; model yield=rep TRT; means TRT/lsd; title 'ANOVA for RCBD with No Missing Data'; run; data rcbdmiss; INPUT Trt $ Rep Yield; datalines; A 1 9 B 1 11 C 1 3 D 1 7 A 2 8 B 2 13 C 2 . D 2 10 A 3 7 B 3 12 C 3 8 D 3 4 ;; *Comment: Note that missing data is replaced with a period; proc print; title 'Printout of RCBD Data with One Missing Value'; run; proc glm; *Comment: The PROC GLM statement (general linear models) must be used when you have missing data. The PROC ANOVA statement will not work; *Note: The results Sum of Squares calculated in this ANOVA will be slightly different from those in your notes since the PROC GLM method was used.; classes rep trt; model yield=rep trt; lsmeans trt/pdiff; *Comment: Since there is a missing value, we must ask for least square means to be calculated instead of traditional means. This is done by using the LSMEANS statement instead of the MEANS statement. *Comment: The PDIFF statement requests t-tests between each pair of treatments so mean separation can be performed. The PDIFF statement only works under PROC GLM.; Title 'ANOVA for a RCBD with One Missing Value'; run;