170 options pageno=1; NOTE: PROCEDURE REG used: real time 45.59 seconds cpu time 0.02 seconds 171 data reg; 172 input x y; 173 xy=x*y; 174 *Comment: The previous statement create a new variable, which is the 175 product of X*Y; 176 datalines; NOTE: The data set WORK.REG has 6 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used: real time 0.02 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 183 ;; 184 proc print; 185 title 'Printout of Data'; 186 run; NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set WORK.REG. NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used: real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 187 proc means maxdec=2 sum mean uss css; 188 *Comment: USS will calcualte the sum of each value squared and CSS will 189 calculate the sum of squares for each variable; 190 title 'Descriptive statistics'; 191 run; NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set WORK.REG. NOTE: PROCEDURE MEANS used: real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 192 proc reg; 193 model y=x/cli clm; 194 title 'Simple Linear Regression, Including Confidence Intervals'; 195 run; NOTE: 6 observations read. NOTE: 6 observations used in computations.