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January 2020

Asmanizar, Aldywaridha, E. Sumantri, R. M. Lubis, D. Siregar, and F. Maimunah. 2019. Evaluation of potential plant crude extracts against green stinkbug Nezara viridula Linn. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Serangga 24(2):15-24. [pdf]

Blassioli-Moraes, M. C., A. Khrimian, M. F. F. Michereff, D. M. Magalhães, E. Hickel, T. F. S. de Freitas, J. A. F. Barrigossi, R. A. Laumann, A. T. Silva, S. D. Guggilapu, C. C. Silva, J. Sant’Ana, and M. Borges. 2020. Male-produced sex pheromone of Tibraca limbativentris revisited: Absolute configurations of zingiberenol stereoisomers and their influence on chemotaxis behavior of conspecific females. Journal of Chemical Ecology 46:1-9. [pdf]

Breddin, G. 1893. Material zu einer Hemipterenfauna Thüringens von Kellner. Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Magdeburg 1892:255-271. [pdf]

Contarini, N. 1843. Catalogo degl’ Insetti delle Provincie di Padova e Venezia e de’ loro dintorni disposti, secondo il metodo di Latreille ‘Genera Crustaceorum et insectorum’ Volumi 4 Parisiis et Argentorati 1806 ad 1809. Pp. 15-42, in: Cataloghi degli Uccelli e degli Insetti delle Provincie de Padova e Venezia. Bassano, 42 pp. [pdf]

Defensor, M. O., A. H. R. Gonring, L. F. Borges, A. Plata-Rueda, L. C. Martínez, and F. L. Fernandes. 2020. Population dynamics of stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) associated at various soybean phenological stages. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection [early online version; pdf]

Endo, J. and H. Numata. 2020. Synchronized hatching as a possible strategy to avoid sibling cannibalism in stink bugs. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74(16):1-10. [pdf]

Formella, A., S. J. Dorman, S. V. Taylor, and T. P. Kuhar. 2019. Effects of aggregation lure and tree species on Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) seasonal oviposition. Journal of Economic Entomology [early online version; pdf]

Gomes, E. C., R. Hayashida, and A. de Freitas Bueno. 2019. Dichelops melacanthus and Euschistus heros injury on maize: Basis for re-evaluating stink bug thresholds for IPM decisions. Crop Protection 130(105050):1-8. [pdf]

Gonella, E., B. Orrù, and A. Alma. 2019. Egg masses treatment with micronutrient fertilizers has a suppressive effect on newly-emerged nymphs of the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys. Entomologia Generalis 39(3-4):231-238. [Scopus]

Gräffe. E. 1906. Beiträge zur Insektenfauna von Tunis. Verhandlungen der Zoologish-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 56(6-7):446-471. [pdf]

Haye, T., S. T. Moraglio, J. Stahl, S. Visentin, T. Gregorio, and L. Tavella. 2020. Fundamental host range of Trissolcus japonicus in Europe. Journal of Pest Science 93:171-182. [pdf]

Hradil, K., J. Sychra, P. Vonička, and J. Preisler. 2019. True bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of the Jizerské hory Mountains (northern Bohemia, Czech Republic). Sborník Severočeského Muzeo, Přírodní Vědy 37:3-121. [in Czech; pdf]

Kereselidze, M., D. Pilarska, and A. Linde. 2019. First record of a microsporidium in the population of brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in the Republic of Georgia. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 71(3):427-432. [pdf]

Kment, P. and R. Vlk. 2019. First record of the alien southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in the Czech Republic. Klapalekiana 55:207-211. [in Czech; pdf]

Kott, P. 2019. Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) – Beobachtungen zur Ausbreitung der Art im Kölner Raum. Heteropteron 56:33-38. [pdf]

Li, X. P., L. W. Song, T. A. Coudron, T. T. Zuo, Y. Q. Chen, Y. Zheng, and S. A. Wu. 2019. Effects of two natural diets on the response of the predator Arma chinensis (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) to cold storage. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(6):15329-15347. [pdf]

Lucini, T., A. R. Panizzi, M. A. Silva, and A. L. Marsaro, Jr. 2019. Performance and preference of Chinavia erythrocnemis (Berg) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) on reproductive structures of cultivated plants. Neotropical Entomology [early online version; pdf]

Malek, R., L. Zapponi, A. Eriksson, M. Ciolli, V. Mazzoni, G. Anfora, and C. Tattoni. 2019. Monitoring 2.0: Update on the Halyomorpha halys invasion of Trention. International Journal of Geo-Information 8(564):1-10. [pdf]

Moore, L., P. Tirello, D. Scaccini, M. D. Toews, C. Duso, and A. Pozzebon. 2019. Characterizing damage potential of the brown marmorated stink bug in cherry orchards in Italy. Entomologia Generalis 39(3-4):271-283. [Scopus]

Moraglio, S. T., F. Tortorici, M. G. Pansa, G. Castelli, M. Pontini, S. Scovero, S. Visentin, and L. Tavella. 2020. A 3-year survey on parasitism of Halyomorpha halys by egg parasitoids in northern Italy. Journal of Pest Science 93:183-194. [pdf]

Morkel, C. 2002. Die Wanzenfauna (Insecta: Heteroptera) extensiv schafbeweideter Grünlandparzellen bei Stornfels im Vogelsberg (Hessen). Philippia 10(2):101-118. [pdf]

Morkel, C. 2006. Wanzen (Insecta: Heteroptera) vom Halberg bei Neumorschen (Nordhessen, Fuldatal). Philippia 12(3):225-232. [pdf]

Morkel, C. 2019. Wanzen (Insecta: Heteroptera) vom Haimberg bei Mittelrode (Osthessen), mit Anmerkungen zur landesweiten Verbreitung ausgewählter Arten. Beiträge zur Naturkunde in Osthessen 55-56:169-186. [pdf]

Mzhr, N. N. and R. S. Augul. 2019. Additional information about hemipteran guild which stored in the Iraq Natural History Museum. Biochem. Cell. Arch., suppl. 19:2531-2535. [pdf]

Ostrovsky, A. M. 2018. Pinthaeus sanguinipes (Fabricius, 1781) – a new species of predatory stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) in the fauna of Belarus. Eversmannia 66-68:69. [in Russian; pdf]

Ostrovsky, A. M. 2019. About the finds of Tritomegas sexmaculatus (Rambur, 1839) (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) in the South-Eastern Belarus. Eversmannia 59-60:72. [in Russian; pdf]

Pagola-Carte, S. and I. Zabalegui. 2019. Dos hemípteros asiáticos nuevos para Gipuzkoa, norte de la Península Ibérica (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae, Cicadellidae). Heteropterus Revista de Entomología 19(2):355-360. [pdf]

Pełka, A., M. Markowicz, and M. Chróścik. 2019. First records of Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda, 1761) (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) in Mazovian Lowland. Heteroptera Poloniae – Acta Faunistica 13:97-100. [in Polish; pdf]

Peverieri, G. S., M-D. Mitroiu, M-C. Bon, R. Balusu, L. Benvenuto, I. Bernardinelli, H. Fadamiro, M. Falagiarda, L. Fusu, E. Grove, T. Haye, K. Hoelmer, E. Lemke, G. Malossini, L. Marianelli, M. R. Moore, A. Pozzebon, P-F. Roversi, D. Scaccini, P. Shrewsbury, G. Tillman, P. Tirello, R. Waterworth, and E. J. Talamas. 2019. Surveys of stink bug paarasitism in Asia, Europe and North America, morpholgical taxonomy, and molecular analysis reveal the Holarctic distribution of Acroclisoides sinicus (Huang & Liao) (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 74:123-151. [pdf]

Piersanti, S., M. Rebora, L. Ederli, S. Pasqualini, and G. Salerno. 2019. Role of chemical cues in cabbage stink bug host plant selection. Journal of Insect Physiology 120(103994):1-10. [pdf]

Salini, S. 2020. Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea) of India. Pp. 121-146, in: Ramani, S., P. Mohanraj, and H. M. Yeshwanth (eds.), Indian Insects. Diversity and Science. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. [pdf]

Scaccini, D., C. Duso, and A. Pozzebon. 2019. Lethal effects of high temperatures on brown marmorated stink bug adults before and after overwintering. Insects 10(355):1-11. [pdf]

Sosa-Gómez, B. S. Corrêa-Ferreira, B. Kraemer, A. Pasini, P. E. Husch, C. E. Delfino Vieira, C. B. Reis Martinez, and I. O. Negrão Lopes. 2019. Prevalence, damage, management and insecticide resistance of stink bug populations (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in commodity crops. Agricultural and Forest Entomology [early online version; pdf]

Testi, F. 1892. Su alcuni Emitteri Eterotteri del Modenese. Atti della Società dei Naturalisti di Modena (3)11:203-212. [pdf]

Tscharntke, T. 1983. Zur Arthropodenfauna eines xerothermen Steilhanges am Sonderrain bei Bad Wildungen (Nordhessen). Philippia 2:170-178. [pdf]

Wegener, C. 2011. Zur Wanzenfauna (Insecta: Heteroptera) des Naturschutzgebiets ‘Kleine Lummersbach’ bei Marburg an der Lahn/Mittelhessen. Philippia 15(1):45-52. [pdf]

Xu, S., Y. Wu, W. Cai, and F. Song. 2020. The complete mitochondrial genome of the lychee stinkbug Mattiphus splendidus (Hemiptera: Tessaratomidae). Mitochondrial DNA (B)5(1):321-322. [pdf]



Researchers Genus Index Systematics Host Information
Bibliography Species Index Biographies & Type Info Natural Enemies
Catalogs Identifications Collection Lists Other resources
Number of Genera & Species Collected at Lights Maternal Care
Pentatomoids as Food or Medicine   Beach Drift
Collected at Dung or Dead Animals Collected in various Traps  




David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 30 January 2020

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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