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Acledra fraterna (Stål, 1859)




Pentatoma fraterna Stål, 1859: 225-226.

Acledra reflexa Signoret, 1863: 547-548, pl. 12 fig. 13. (syn. by Stål, 1867)

Acledra fraterna: Stål, 1867: 528.

Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay.

Type Information: Pentatoma fraterna StDl, 1859: ST(S), &, Monte-Video [Uruguay], NHRS. Acledra reflexa Signoret, 1863: ST(S), Chile, NHMW.

Translation of Stål's 1859 original description


    Obovate, dilute greenish-yellow, quite densely punctate; antennae flavotestaceous; thorax with two points anteriorly, disk of hemelytra with spot, fuscous; apex of scutellum almost impunctate, paler; pectus on each side and first abdominal segments apically freckled with many white callouses; legs sordid yellowish-white. Male length 9, width 6 mm.

    Native to Montevideo.

    Not quite form of preceeding [kinbergi] but related; obovate.  Head oval, rather flat, slightly sinuate on each side before eyes, apex rounded, margin slightly reflexed, greenish-yellow, quite densely punctate.  Antennae almost half as long as body, flavotestaceous, second segment hardly or little longer than third.  Rostrum reaching intermediate coxae, yellowish-white, apex fuscous.  thorax more than twice as wide as long, anteriorly quite profoundly sinuate, angulate on each side behind middle, angles somewhat produced rounded, almost dilated anteriorly, truncate posteriorly, anterolateral margin barely crenulated, greenish-yellow, quite densely punctate anterior with two minute nigrofuscous spots.  Scutellum oblong-triangular, middle sinuate on each side, apex obtusely angulate, dilute yellowish-green, quite densely punctate, basal spot on each side and apex nearly impunctate, paler.  Hemelytra greenish yellow, quite densely punctate, disk of corium ornated with minute fuscous spot behind middle; membrane sordid hyaline.  Underside yellowish-green, pectus roughly, abdomen finely, densely punctate, former on each side and basal abdominal segments apically, freckled with small white callouses, these callouses placed in transverse series.  Legs somewhat sordid yellowish-white.


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David A. Rider
Professor of Entomology
North Dakota State University
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105
E-Mail: David.Rider@ndsu.edu

updated: 01 May 2007

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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