Professor and Chair
Ph.D., Physics, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany (1996), Thesis: Elastic properties of mixed and charged amphiphilic membranes
Department of Physics,
North Dakota State University, Dept # 2542,
Fargo ND, 58108-6050, USA
Office: South Engineering 216A
email: sylvio (dot) may (at) ndsu (dot) edu
Project "Theoretical Models to Describe Formation and Stability of Liposome-Drug Complexes", funded by Phospholipid Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
128. Guilherme Volpe Bossa and Sylvio May, "Bragg–Williams Theory for Particles with a Size-Modulating Internal Degree of Freedom", Molecules, 28 (13), 5060 (2023)
127. Reed Petersen, Salim Thomas, Kenneth Anderson, Todd Pringle, Sylvio May, Erik Hobbie, "Silicon-Carbide Nanocrystals from Non-Thermal Plasmas: Surface Chemistry and Quantum Confinement", J. Phys. Chem. C 126 (30), 12935-12943 (2022)
126. Daniel L. Z. Caetano, Sidney J. de Carvalho, Guilherme V. Bossa and Sylvio May, "Monte Carlo simulations and mean-field modeling of electric double layers at weakly and moderately charged spherical macroions", Phys. Rev. E, 104 (3), 034609 (2021)
125. Jose Agudelo, Guilherme Volpe Bossa and Sylvio May, "Incorporation of Molecular Reorientation into Modeling Surface Pressure-Area Isotherms of Langmuir Monolayers", Molecules, 26(14), 4372 (2021)
124. Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Klemen Bohinc and Sylvio May, "Electrostatics of Lipid Membranes Interacting with Oppositely Charged Macromolecules" in Handbook of Lipid Membranes: Molecular, Functional, and Materials Aspects (Cyrus R. Safinya and Joachim O. Rädler, eds.) ISBN 13: 9781466555723 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Inc, CRC Press Inc (2021).
123. Guilherme Volpe Bossa and Sylvio May, "Debye-Huckel Free Energy of an Electric Double Layer with Discrete Charges Located at a Dielectric Interface", Membranes, 11(2), 129 (2021)
122. Guilherme Volpe Bossa and Sylvio May, "Integral Representation of Electrostatic Interactions Inside a Lipid Membrane", Molecules, 25(17), 3824 (2020)
121. Guilherme Volpe Bossa and Sylvio May, "Stability of ionic liquid modeled by composite Coulomb-Yukawa potentials", Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 032040(R) (2020)
120. Rachel Downing, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, and Sylvio May, "Saddle-curvature instability of lipid bilayer induced by amphipathic peptides: A molecular model", Soft Matter, 16, 5032-5043 (2020)
119. John Spaight, Rachel Downing, Sylvio May, Sidney J. de Carvalho, and Guilherme Volpe Bossa, "Modeling hydration-mediated ion-ion interactions in electrolytes through oscillating Yukawa potentials", Phys. Rev. E, 101, 052603 (2020)
118. Elena Rufeil Fiori, Rachel Downing, Guilherme Bossa, and Sylvio May, "Influence of Spontaneous Curvature on the Line Tension of Phase-Coexisting Domains in a Lipid Monolayer: A Landau-Ginzburg Model", J. Chem. Phys., 152, 054707 (2020)
117. Guilherme Bossa, Daniel L. Z. Caetano and Sidney J. de Carvalho and Sylvio May, "Differential capacitance of an electrical double layer with asymmetric ion sizes in the presence of hydration interactions", Electrochim. Acta, 321 134655 (2019)
116. Guilherme Bossa, Sean Gunderson, Rachel Downing, Sylvio May, "Role of Transmembrane Proteins for Phase Separation and Domain Registration in Asymmetric Lipid Bilayers", Biomolecules, 9, 303 (2019)
115. Klemen Bohinc, Jurij Rescic, Simone Spada, Stefano Maset, Sylvio May, "Influence of added salt on the surface induced ordering of nanoparticles with discretely distributed charges", J. Mol. Liq., 294, 2019, 111134 (2019)
114. Maximilian Hupfer, Martin Kaufmann, Sylvio May, Julia Preiss, Dieter Weiss, Benjamin Dietzek, Rainer Beckert, Martin Presselt, "Enhancing Supramolecular Stability of Monolayers by Combining Dipolar with Amphiphilic Motifs: Case of Amphiphilic Push-Pull-Thiazole", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 13241 (2019)
113. Sylvio May, "Differential Capacitance of the Electric Double Layer: Mean-Field Modeling Approaches", Curr. Opin. Electrochem., 13:125-131 (2019)
112. Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Rachel Downing, Jacob Abrams, Bjorn K. Berntson, and Sylvio May, "Differential Capacitance of Electrolytes at Weakly Curved Electrodes", J. Phys. Chem. C, 123 (2), 1127--1135 (2019)
111. Rachel Downing, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, and Sylvio May, "The Role of Ion-Ion Correlations for the Differential Capacitance of Ionic Liquids", J. Phys. Chem. C, 122, 50, 28537-28544 (2018)
110. Rachel Downing, Bjorn K. Berntson, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, and Sylvio May, "Differential Capacitance of Ionic Liquids According to Lattice-Gas Mean-Field Model with Nearest-Neighbor Interactions", J. Chem. Phys. 149, 204703 (2018)
109. Guilherme V. Bossa, Daniel L. Z. Caetano, Sidney J. de Carvalho, Klemen Bohinc, Sylvio May "Modeling the camel-to-bell shape transition of the differential capacitance using mean-field theory and Monte Carlo simulations", Eur. Phys. J. E, 41, 113 (2018)
108. Tim Twohig, Sylvio May, and Andrew B Croll, "Microscopic Details of a Fluid/Thin Film Triple Line", Soft Matter, 14, 7492 (2018)
107. Bjorn K. Berntson, Rachel Downing, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, and Sylvio May, "Debye-Huckel theory of weakly curved macroions: Implementing ion specificity through a composite Coulomb-Yukawa interaction potential", Phys. Rev. E, 98, 022609 (2018)
106. Meshal Alzaid, Abu Taufique, Salim Thomas, Clay Carufel, John Harris, Alex Waters, Amal Altayyar, Sylvio May, Erik Hobbie, "Macroscopic Freestanding Nanosheets with Exceptionally High Modulus", Langmuir, 34 (27) 7951-7957 (2018)
105. Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Tereza Pereira de Souza, and Sylvio May, "Adhesion of Like-Charged Lipid Vesicles Induced by Rod-Like Counterions", Soft Matter, 14, 3935 - 3944 (2018)
104. Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Bjorn Berntson, and Sylvio May, "Curvature elasticity of the electric double layer", Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 215502 (2018)
103. Guilherme V. Bossa and Sylvio May, "Poisson-Boltzmann theory of charged lipid layers", Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering (2018)
102. Stephan Holzschuh, Kathrin Kaess, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Christiane Decker, Alfred Fahr, and Sylvio May, "Investigations of the influence of liposome composition on vesicle stability and drug transfer in human plasma: A transfer study", J. Liposome Res., 28, 1, 22-34 (2018)
101. Daniel L. Z. Caetano, Guilherme V. Bossa, Vinicius M. de Oliveira, Matthew A. Brown, Sidney J. de Carvalho, and Sylvio May, 'Differential Capacitance of an Electric Double Layer with Asymmetric Solvent-Mediated Interactions: Mean-Field Theory and Monte Carlo Simulations, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 23971-23981 (2017)
100. Tereza Pereira de Souza, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Pasquale Stano, Frank Steiniger, Sylvio May, Pier Luigi Luisi, and Alfred Fahr, Vesicle aggregates as a model for primitive cellular assemblies, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,19, 20082-20092 (2017)
99. Klemen Bohinc, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Sylvio May, Incorporation of ion and solvent structure into mean-field modeling of the electric double layer, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., 249, 220-233 (2017)
98. Guilherme Bossa, Joseph Norris, and Sylvio May , Surface Tension of a Yukawa Fluid According to Mean-Field Theory, J. Chem. Phys., 146 (13), 134701 (2017)
97. Michelle Lee, Ming Han, Guilherme Bossa, Carly Snell, Ziyuan Song, Haoyu Tang, Lichen Yin, Jianjun Cheng, Sylvio May, Erik Luijten, Gerard Wong, Interactions Between Membranes and 'Metaphilic' Polypeptide Architectures with Diverse Sidechain Populations, ACS Nano, 11 (3), 2858-2871 (2017)
96. Klemen Bohinc, Juri Rescic, Sylvio May, Electrostatic adsorption and orientational order of inhomogeneously charged particles on flat surfaces, J. Mol. Liq., 228, 201-207 (2017)
95. Klemen Bohinc, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Sergei Gavryushov, and Sylvio May, Poisson-Boltzmann Model of Electrolytes Containing Uniformly Charged Spherical Nanoparticles, J. Chem. Phys., 145, 234901 (2016)
94. Daniel L. Z. Caetano, Guilherme V. Bossa, Vinicius M. de Oliveira, Matthew A. Brown, Sidney J. de Carvalho, and Sylvio May, "Role of ion hydration for the differential capacitance of an electric double layer", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 27796-27807 (2016)
93. Ahmed Elbaradei, Samuel L. Brown, Joseph B. Miller, Sylvio May, and Erik Hobbie "Interaction of PEGylated silicon nanocrystals with lipid bilayers and surfactant interfaces", Phys. Rev. E, 94, 042804 (2016)
92. Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Klemen Bohinc, Matthew A. Brown, and Sylvio May, "Dipole Moment of a Charged Particle Trapped at the Air–Water Interface", J. Phys. Chem. B, 120 (26), 6278-6285 (2016)
91. Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Joseph Roth, Klemen Bohinc, and Sylvio May, "The Apparent Charge of Nanoparticles Trapped at a Water Interface", Soft Matter, 12, 4229-4240 (2016)
90. Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Matthew A. Brown, Klemen Bohinc, and Sylvio May, "Modeling the Electrostatic Contribution to the Line Tension between Lipid Membrane Domains Using Poisson-Boltzmann Theory", Int. J. Adv. Eng. Sci. Appl. Math., 8 (2), 101-110 (2016)
89. Matthew A. Brown, Zareen Abbas, Armin Kleibert, Richard G. Green, Alok Goel, Sylvio May, and Todd M. Squires,
"Determination of surface potential and electrical double layer structure at the aqueous electrolyte-nanoparticle interface", Physical Review X, 6, 011007 (2016)
88. Matthew Brown, Guilherme Volpe Bossa, and Sylvio May, "Emergence of a Stern Layer from the Incorporation of Hydration Interactions into the Gouy-Chapman Model of the Electrical Double Layer", Langmuir, 31 (42), pp 11477-83 (2015)
87. Guilherme Volpe Bossa, Joseph Roth, and Sylvio May , "Modeling Lipid-Lipid Correlations Across a Bilayer Membrane Using the Quasi-Chemical Approximation", Langmuir, 31 (36), 9924-9932 (2015)
86. Tereza Pereira de Souza, Martin Holzer, Pasquale Stano, Frank Steiniger, Sylvio May, Rolf Schubert, Alfred Fahr, and Pier Luisi, "New Insights into the Growth and Transformation of Vesicles: a Free-flow Electrophoresis Study", J Phys. Chem. B, 119 (37), 12212-12223 (2015)
85. John M. Harris, Matthew R. Semler, Sylvio May, Jeffrey A. Fagan, and Erik K. Hobbie , "Nature of Record Efficiency Fluid-Processed Nanotube-Silicon Heterojunctions", J Phys. Chem. C, 119 (19), 10295–10303 (2015)
84. Amaia Beloqui Redondo, Inga Jordan, Ibrahim Ziazadeh, Armin Kleibert, Javier B Giorgi, Hans Jakob Woerner, Sylvio May, Zareen Abbas, and Matthew Brown, "Nanoparticle Induced Charge Redistribution of the Air-water Interface", J Phys. Chem. C, 119, 2661-2668 (2015)
83. Helen Y Fan, Gaurav Raval, Alireza Shalviri, Sylvio May, Xiao Y Wu, and Heiko Heerklotz, "Coupled Equilibria upon Loading a Self-Associating Drug into Polymeric Nanoparticles", Methods, 76, 162–170 (2015)
82. Kalpa Nagarsekar, Mukul Ashtikar, Jana Thamm, Frank Steiniger, Felix Schacher, Alfred Fahr, and Sylvio May, "Electron Microscopy and Theoretical Modeling of Cochleates", Langmuir, 2014, 30 (44), 13143-13151 (2014)
81. Klemen Bohinc, Juan J. Giner-Casares, and Sylvio May, "Analytic Model for the Dipole Potential of a Lipid Layer", J. Phys. Chem. B, 118 (27), 7568-7576 (2014)
80. Sylvio May and Klemen Bohinc, "Mean-field electrostatics of stiff rod-like ions", chapter 23 in "Electrostatics of Soft and Disordered Matter", edited by: David Dean , Jure Dobnikar , Ali Naji , and Rudolf Podgornik; Pan Stanford Publishing, pages 335–346 (2014)
79. Daniel Harries, Sylvio May, and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Counterion Release in Membrane--Biopolymer Interactions", Soft Matter, 9 (39), 9268 - 9284 (2013)
78. Muyang Wang, Er-Qiang Chen, Shuang Yang, and Sylvio May, "Incorporating Headgroup Structure into the Poisson-Boltzmann Model of Charged Lipid Membranes", J. Chem. Phys. 139, 024703 (2013)
77. Miha Fosnaric, Ales Iglic, Daniel M. Kroll, and Sylvio May, "Monte Carlo simulations of a polymer confined within a fluid vesicle", Soft Matter, 9, 3976 (2013)
76. Stephan Loew, Edgar E Kooijman, and Sylvio May, "Increased pH-sensitivity of protein binding to lipid membranes through the electrostatic-hydrogen bond switch", Chem. Phys. Lipids, 169, 9-18 (2013)
75. Christiane Decker, Harald Schubert, Sylvio May, and Alfred Fahr, "Pharmacokinetics of temoporfin-loaded liposome formulations: Correlation of liposome and temoporfin blood concentration", Journal of Controlled Release, 166, 277-285 (2013)
74. Sylvio May and Alfred Fahr, ''Self-assembled delivery vehicles for poorly water-soluble drugs: Basic theoretical considerations and modeling concepts'', Drug Delivery Strategies for Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs. D.Douroumis and A.Fahr editors. Wiley, Chapter 1, 1-35 (2013)
73. Ahis Shrestha, Klemen Bohinc, and Sylvio May, ''The Immersion Depth of Positively versus Negatively Charged Nanoparticles at the Air-Water Interface: A Poisson-Boltzmann Model'', Langmuir, 28 (40), 14301-7 (2012)
72. Klemen Bohinc, Gerald Brezesinski, and Sylvio May, "Modeling the influence of adsorbed DNA on the lateral pressure and tilt transition of a zwitterionic lipid monolayer'', Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14, 10613-10621 (2012)
71. Christiane Decker, Alfred Fahr, Judith Kuntsche, and Sylvio May, "Selective Partitioning of Cholesterol and a Model Drug into Liposomes of Varying Size", Chem. Phys. Lipids, 165, 520-529 (2012)
70. Klemen Bohinc, Ahis Shrestha, Milan Brumen, and Sylvio May, "The Poisson-Helmholtz-Boltzmann model of the electric double layer: analysis of monovalent ionic mixtures", Phys. Rev. E 85, 031130 (2012)
69. Sylvio May, "Mean-field Continuum Electrostatics of Lipid Membranes", in: Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science. P. Somasundaran editor. Taylor and Francis, Chapter 275, 1-15 (2012)
68. Klemen Bohinc, Ahis Shrestha, and Sylvio May, "The Poisson-Helmholtz-Boltzmann Model", Eur. Phys. J. E, 34, 108 (2011)
67. Sylvio May and Klemen Bohinc, "Attraction between like charged surfaces mediated by uniformly charged spherical colloids in a salt solution", Croat. Chem. Acta, 84 (2), 251-257 (2011)
66. Stephan Loew, Alfred Fahr, and Sylvio May, "Modeling the Release Kinetics of Poorly Water-Soluble Drug Molecules from Liposomal Nanocarriers", Journal of Drug Delivery, 2011, 376548 (2011)
65. Demmelash H Mengistu, Edgar E Kooijman, and Sylvio May, "Ionization Properties of Mixed Lipid Membranes: A Gouy-Chapman Model of the Electrostatic-Hydrogen Bond Switch", BBA Biomembranes, 1808, 1985-1992 (2011)
64. Klemen Bohinc, Jurij Rescic, Stefano Maset, and Sylvio May, "Debye-Hückel theory for mixtures of rigid rod-like ions and salt", J. Chem. Phys, 134, 074111 (2011)
63. Waipot Ngamsaad, Sylvio May, Alexander J. Wagner, and Wannapong Triampo, "Pinning of Domains for Fluid-Fluid Phase Separation in Lipid Bilayers with Asymmetric Dynamics", Soft Matter, 7 (6), 2848 - 2857(2011)
62. Hossam Hefesha, Sylvio May, Stephan Loew and Alfred Fahr, "Transfer Mechanism of Temoporfin between Liposomal Membranes" Journal of Controlled Release, 150, 279-286 (2011)
61. Demmelash H. Mengistu, Klemen Bohinc, and Sylvio May , "A model for the electrostatic contribution to the pH-dependent nonideal mixing of a binary charged-zwitterionic lipid bilayer", Biophys. Chem., 150, 112-118 (2010)
60. Demmelash H. Mengistu, Klemen Bohinc, and Sylvio May , "Poisson-Boltzmann model in a solvent of interacting Langevin dipoles", EPL (88), 14003 (2009)
59. Demmelash H. Mengistu, Klemen Bohinc, and Sylvio May , "Binding of DNA to Zwitterionic Lipid Layers mediated by Divalent Cations", J. Phys. Chem. B., 113 (36), 12277-12282 (2009)
58. Miha Fosnaric, Ales Iglic, Daniel M. Kroll, and Sylvio May, "Monte Carlo simulations of complex formation between a mixed fluid vesicle and a charged colloid", J. Chem. Phys., 131, 105103 (2009)
57. Klemen Bohinc, Ales Iglic, Stefano Maset, and Sylvio May, "The interaction between charged macroions induced by rod-like ions", IFMBE Proceedings, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany, Vol. 25/8 Micro- and Nanosystems in Medicine, Active Implants, Biosensors, pp. 329-331 (2009)
56. Sylvio May, "Trans-monolayer coupling of fluid domains in lipid bilayers", Soft Matter, 5, 3148 - 3156 (2009)
55. Stefano Maset, Jurij Rescic, Sylvio May, Janez Ivan Pavlic, and Klemen Bohinc, "Attraction between like-charged surfaces induced by orientational ordering of divalent rigid rod-like counterions: theory and simulations", J. Phys. A: Math Theor., 42, 105401 (2009)
54. Stephan Loew, Anne Hinderliter, and Sylvio May, "Stability of protein-decorated mixed lipid membranes: the interplay of lipid-lipid, lipid-protein, and protein-protein interactions", J. Chem. Phys. 130 045102 (2009)
53. Sylvio May, ''Models of Membrane Fusion'', Chapter 12 in: Handbook of Molecular Biophysics. H. Bohr editor. Wiley-VCH, pages 385-414 (2009)
52. Shuang Yang and Sylvio May, "Release of cationic polymer-DNA complexes from the endosome: A theoretical investigation of the proton sponge hypothesis", J. Chem. Phys., 129 185105 (2008)
51. Demmelash H. Mengistu and Sylvio May, "Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann model of charged lipid membranes: Accounting for the presence of zwitterionic lipids", J. Chem. Phys. 129, 121105 (2008)
50. Demmelash H. Mengistu and Sylvio May, "Debye-Huckel theory of mixed charged-zwitterionic lipid layers", Eur. Phys. J. E, 26, 251-260 (2008)
49. Assaf Zemel, Avinoam Ben-Shaul, and Sylvio May, "Effect of Amphipathic Peptides on the Spontaneous Curvature and Bending Rigidity of Lipid Membranes", J. Phys. Chem. B, 112; 6988-6996 (2008)
48. Sylvio May, Ales Iglic, Jurij Rescic, Stefano Maset and Klemen Bohinc, "Bridging like-charged macroions through long divalent rod-like ions", J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 1685-1692 (2008)
47. Andrew Haugen and Sylvio May, "The influence of zwitterionic lipids on the electrostatic adsorption of macroions onto mixed lipid membranes", J.Chem.Phys., 127, 215104 (2007)
46. Alexander J Wagner, Stephan Loew, and Sylvio May, "Influence of Monolayer-Monolayer Coupling on the Phase Behavior of a Fluid Lipid Bilayer", Biophys. J., 93, 4268-4277 (2007)
45. Alexander J. Wagner and Sylvio May, "Electrostatic interactions across a charged lipid bilayer", Eur. Biophys. J., 36 (4-5): 293-303, (2007)
44. Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Molecular Packing in Cylindrical Micelles", Chapter 2 in: Giant Micelles: Properties and Applications. R. Zana and E. Kaler editors. CRC Press, Boca Raton, p.41-80, (2007)
43. Miha Fosnaric, Ales Igic and Sylvio May, "Influence of rigid inclusions on the bending elasticity of a lipid membrane", Phys. Rev. E, 74 051503 (2006)
42. Klemen Bohinc, Veronica Kralj-Iglic, Tomas Slivnik, Sylvio May and Ales Iglic, "Spatial distribution of divalent rod-like ions in contact with a charged surface", Electrotechnical Review 73 (2-3) pp. 137-142 (2006)
41. Anne Hinderliter and Sylvio May, "Cooperative adsorption of proteins onto lipid membranes", J.Phys. Cond. Matter, 18, S1257-S1270 (2006)
40. Emmanuel C. Mbamala, Alfred Fahr and Sylvio May, "An electrostatic model for mixed cationic-zwitterionic lipid bilayers", Langmuir, 22 (11), 5129 -5136 (2006)
39. Maria Maddalena Sperotto, Sylvio May and Artur Baumgaertner, "Modeling of Proteins in Membranes", Chem. Phys. Lipids, 141, 2-29 (2006)
38. Klemen Bohinc, Darko Lombardo, Veronika Kralj-Iglic, Miha Fosnaric, Sylvio May, Franjo Pernus, Henry Hagerstrand and Ales Igic, "Shape variation of bilayer membrane daughter vesicles induced by anisotropic membrane inclusions", Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett., 11, 90-101 (2006)
37. Veronica Kralj-Iglic, Blaz Babnik, Dorit R. Gauger, Sylvio May and Ales Iglic, "Quadrupolar ordering of phospholipid molecules in narrow necks of phospholipid vesicles", J. Stat. Phys., 125 (3), pp. 723-748 (2006)
36. Miha Fosnaric, Klemen Bohinc, Dorit R. Gauger, Veronika Kralj-Iglic, Ales Igic and Sylvio May, "The influence of anisotropic membrane inclusions on curvature elastic properties of lipid membranes", J. Chem. Inf. Model., 45 (6), 1652 -1661 (2005)
35. Sylvio May, "Stability of macroion-decorated lipid membranes" , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17, R833-R850 (2005)
34. Alfred Fahr, Peter van Hoogevest, Sylvio May, Nill Bergstrand and Mathew Louis Steven Leigh, "Transfer of lipophilic drugs between liposomal membranes and biological interfaces: Consequences for drug delivery", Eur. J. Pharm. Sci., 26 (3-4), 251-65 (2005)
33. Klemen Bohinc, Ales Iglic and Sylvio May, "Self-assembly of linear aggregates on curved membranes", Europhys. Lett., 71 (1), 145-151 (2005)
32. Assaf Zemel, Avinoam Ben-Shaul and Sylvio May, "Perturbation of a lipid membrane by amphipathic peptides and its role in pore formation", Eur. Biophys. J., 34: 230-243 (2005)
31. Emmanuel C. Mbamala, Avinoam Ben-Shaul, and Sylvio May, "Domain Formation Induced by the Adsorption of Charged Proteins on Mixed Lipid Membranes", Biophys. J., 88: 1702-1714 (2005)
30. Klemen Bohinc, Ales Iglic and Sylvio May, "Interaction between Macroions Mediated by Divalent Rod-like Ions", Europhys. Lett., 68 (4), 494-500 (2004)
29. Sylvio May, Yoni Kozlovsky, Avinoam Ben-Shaul and Misha Kozlov, "Tilt modulus of a lipid monolayer",, Eur.Phys.J.E, 14, 299-308 (2004)
28. Cristina Luminita Baciu and Sylvio May, "Stability of charged, mixed lipid bilayers: Effects of electrostatic coupling between the monolayers", J.Phys. Condens Matter, 16 S2455-S2460 (2004)
27. Assaf Zemel, Avinoam Ben-Shaul and Sylvio May, "Membrane Perturbation Induced by Interfacially Adsorbed Peptides", Biophys. J., 86, 3607-3619 (2004)
26. Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Modeling of cationic lipid-DNA complexes", Current Medicinal Chemistry, 11, 1241-1253 (2004)
25. Miha Fosnaric, Veronika Kralj-Iglic, Klemen Bohinc, Ales Igic and Sylvio May, "Stabilization of Pores in Lipid Bilayers by Anisotropic Inclusions", J.Phys.Chem.B, 107(45), 12519-12526 (2003)
24. Klemen Bohinc, Veronika Kralj-Iglic and Sylvio May, "Interaction between two cylindrical inclusions in a symmetric lipid bilayer", J.Chem.Phys., 119(14), 7435-7444 (2003)
23. Daniel Harries, Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Curvature and charge modulations in lamellar DNA-lipid complexes", J.Phys.Chem.B, 107(15), 3624-3630 (2003)
22. Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Membrane-Macromolecule Interactions and their Structural Consequences", Chapter 10 in "Membrane Science and Technology, Vol. 7: Planar Lipid Bilayers (BLMs) and their Applications", edited by H.T.Tien and A.Ottova-Leitmannova, Elsevier, 2003, pages 315-346
21. Sylvio May, Daniel Harries and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Macroion-induced compositional instability of binary fluid membranes", Phys.Rev.Lett., 89, 268102 (2002)
20. Sylvio May, "Structure and energy of fusion stalks: The role of membrane edges", Biophys. J., 83, 2969-2980 (2002)
19. Sylvio May, "Membrane Perturbations Induced by Integral Proteins: Role of Conformational Restrictions of the Lipid Chains" Langmuir 18(16), 6356-6364 (2002)
18. Daniel Harries, Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Adsorption of Charged Macromolecules on Mixed Fluid Membranes", Colloids and Interfaces A, 208, 41-50 (2002)
17. Amit Kessel, Nir Ben-Tal and Sylvio May, "Interactions of Cholesterol with Lipid Bilayers: The Preferred Configuration and Fluctuations", Biophys. J., 81, 643-658 (2001)
16. Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Molecular Theory of the Sphere-to-Rod Transition and the Second CMC in Aqueous Micellar Solutions", J.Phys.Chem.B, 105, 630-640 (2001)
15. Sylvio May, "Theories on structural perturbations of lipid bilayers", Curr. Opin. Coll. Int. Sci., 5, 244-249 (2000)
14. Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "A molecular model for lipid-mediated interaction between proteins in membranes", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2, 4494-4502 (2000)
13. Sylvio May, Daniel Harries and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Lipid Demixing and Protein-Protein Interactions in the Adsorption of Charged Proteins on Mixed Membranes", Biophys.J., 79, 1747-1760 (2000)
12. Sylvio May, "A molecular model for the line tension of lipid membranes", Eur.Phys.J, E, 3, 37-44 (2000)
11. Sylvio May, "Inclusion induced bilayer deformations: The lipid tilt degree of freedom", Eur.Biophys.J, 29, 17-28 (2000)
10. Markus Deserno, Christian Holm and Sylvio May, "Fraction of condensed counterions around a charged rod: Comparison of Poisson-Boltzmann theory and computer simulations", Macromolecules, 33, 199-205 (2000)
9. Sylvio May, Daniel Harries and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "The Phase Behavior of Cationic Lipid-DNA Complexes", Biophys J., 78, 1681-1697 (2000)
8. K. Wagner, D. Harries, S. May, V. Kahl, J.O Radler and A. Ben-Shaul, "Direct evidence for counterion Release upon Cationic Lipid-DNA Condensation", Langmuir, 16, 303-306 (2000)
before 2000
7. Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Molecular Theory of Lipid-Protein Interaction and the L-HII transition", Biophys.J., 76, 751-767 (1999)
6. Daniel Harries, Sylvio May, William Gelbart and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Structure, Stability and Thermodynamics of Lamellar DNA-Lipid Complexes", Biophys.J., 75, 159-173 (1998)
5. Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "DNA-Lipid Complexes: Stability of Honeycomb-like and Spaghetti-like Structures" Biophys.J. 73, 2427-2440 (1997),
4. Sylvio May , Yardena Bohbot and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Molecular Theory of Bending Elasticity and Branching of Cylindrical Micelles", J.Phys.Chem. B, 101, 8648-8657 (1997)
3. Sylvio May, "Curvature elasticity and thermodynamic stability of electrically charged membranes", J.Chem.Phys. 105, 8314 (1996)
2. Sylvio May and Avinoam Ben-Shaul, "Spontaneous curvature and thermodynamic stability of mixed amphiphilic layers", J.Chem.Phys. 103, 3839 (1995)
1. Sylvio May, "Position of the neutral surface in charged monolayers", Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci. 97, 9-11 (1994)
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