FORWARD Presentations, Proceedings, and Publications
1. Publications
"Being Brave: Negotiating Agency in Dialogues and Vignettes,” C. Weber. Scheduled for publication August 2015 in International Review of Qualitative Review, Vol. 8(2).
Weber, C. "Being Brave: Negotiating Agency in Dialogues and Vignettes. Scheduled for publication August 2015 in International Review of Qualitative Review, Vol. 8(2).
Anicha, C. L., Burnett, A., Bilen-Green, C. (2015). Men faculty gender-equity advocates: A qualitative analysis of theory and praxis. Journal of Men’s Studies, 23, 21-43.
“Men faculty gender-equity advocates: A qualitative analysis of theory and praxis,” C.L. Anicha, A. Burnett, C. Bilen-Green (2015). Journal of Men’s Studies, 23, 21-43.
R. Green, “Gender Equality in Engineering: Advocacy Tips,” American Society for Engineering Education Women in Engineering Division web resource: (2013-2014).
Received notice that the manuscript, "Does Work Environment Affect Faculty Health Scores?", has been accepted by Sociology Mind on July 14, 2013.
Benz, Rachel. (2010). NDSU Faculty Turnover Study. (Unpublished master thesis). North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
2. Conference Proceedings
WEPAN 2015 Conference Presentation, Poster Presentation: Advancement of Women Faculty, C. Bilen-Green, A. Burnett, K. Froelich.
“Implementation of Advocates and Allies Programs to Support and Promote Gender Equity in Academia,” C. Bilen-Green, J. Carpenter, S. Doore, R. Green, K. Horton, K. Jellison, M. Latimer, M.. Levine, and P. O'Neal, ASEE 2015 Conference proceedings.
“Interactive Panel on Perspectives and Practical Skills for Men as Advocates for Gender Equity,” L. Genalo, R. Green, B. Holloway, A. Holmes Jr., B. Kirkmeyer, K. Kokini, D. Lopresti, A. Minerick, and B. Sukumaran, ASEE 2015 Conference proceedings.
“Advocacy Tips: an Initiative to Provide Individuals the Tools to Advocate for Women and Underrepresented Minorities” B. Holloway, S. D. Eksioglu, C. Bilen-Green, R. Chavela, T. Reed, A. Minerick, R. Green, ASEE 2014 Conference proceedings.
Received the [best paper award] from the new engineering educators division at the American Society of Engineering Educators’ meeting for “Mentoring Programs Supporting Junior Faculty,” Canan Bilen-Green, Roger A. Green, Christi McGeorge, Elizabeth J. Birmingham, and Ann Burnett, ASEE Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2013.
Bilen-Green, C., Froelich, K.A., and Holbrook, S. “Searching for Excellence: Effective and Efficient Search Practices.” Paper presented at the WEPAN annual conference, June 2012, Columbus, Ohio; paper published in the Conference Proceedings.
Froelich, K.A., and Bilen-Green, C. Institutional Transformation: Changing Shared Values to Change Behavior, or Changing Behavior to Change Shared Values? Paper presented at the WEPAN annual conference, June 2012, Columbus, Ohio; paper published in the Conference Proceedings.
Bilen-Green, Canan, and Karen Froelich. “Institutional Transformation: Changing Ideas to Change Behavior, or Changing Behavior to Change Ideas?” Paper and presentation. WEPAN Conference. Dayton, OH. June 2012.
Bilen-Green, Canan, Karen Froelich, Sandra Holbrook. “Searching for Excellence: Effective and Efficient Search Practices Presentation.” Paper and presentation. WEPAN Conference. Dayton, OH. June 2012.
Bilen-Green, Canan and Donald Schwert. Retaining and Advancing Women. Conference Presentation. ICWES. Adelaide, Australia. July 2011.
Froelich, K.A., and Bilen-Green, C. Creating a More Inclusive Workplace. Presentation and paper at Higher Learning Commission, Chicago, April 2011.
McCaul, K.D. Innovative Practices that Support the Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement of STEM Faculty. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, New Orleans. November 2010.
Bilen-Green, C. Birmingham, E. Burnett, A., and Green, R. ‘NDSU Advance FORWARD: Challenges and Recommendations to Enhancing Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement of Faculty,’ ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. 2010.
Bilen-Green, C. Birmingham, E. Burnett, A., and Green, R. ‘NDSU Advance FORWARD: Institutional Transformation at North Dakota State University,’ ASEE Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. (poster and paper). 2010.
Bilen-Green, C. and Froelich, K. ‘Women in University Leadership Positions: Comparing Institutions with Strong and Weak Gender Equity Track.’ WEPAN 2010 Conference, Baltimore, MD. [Paper published in the Conference Proceedings.]
Bilen-Green, C. Birmingham, E. and Burnett, A. ‘Framing Change: The Conceptual Frameworks of ADVANCE IT Programs and the Relationship to Program Sustainability and Success.’ WEPAN 2010 Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Bilen-Green, C., Froelich, K. and Sukolski, K. ‘Gateways to Academic Leadership Positions and Impact on Women in the Professorial Ranks’, Center Stage: Effective Strategies for Recruitment and Talent Development, WEPAN Conference, Austin, TX, June 2009. [Extended abstract published in the Conference Proceedings.]
Bilen-Green, C., Birmingham, E., and Burnett, A. ‘Evaluating the Success of Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Processes,’ Center Stage: Effective Strategies for Recruitment and Talent Development, WEPAN Conference, Austin, TX, June 2009.
Bilen-Green, Canan, Karen A. Froelich, and Sarah W. Jacobson. The Prevalence of Women in Academic Leadership Positions, and Potential Impact on Prevalence of Women in the Professorial Ranks. WEPAN. St. Louis, MO. June 2008. [Paper published in the Conference Proceedings.]
Bilen-Green, Canan, Elizabeth Birmingham, and Ann Burnett. Institutional Transformations at North Dakota State University. Conference Paper. WEPAN. St. Louis, MO. June 2008.
3.Conference Presentations, Workshops, and Webinars
Presented a workshop on “Advancing Women by Engaging Men” at Society of Women Engineers Conference October 15, 2015 (Bilen-Green; Jenna Carpenter, Campbell University; and Karen J. Horton, University of Maine).
SWE Annual Conference, Early Career Advice for New Faculty, C. Bilen-Green, October 2015.
SWE Annual Conference, Work/life Balance Policies for Faculty, P. Layne, L. Williams, M. Mardani, R. Davis, C. Bilen-Green, October 2015.
ACE ND Women’s Leadership Conference, Making it to Full Professor: What it Takes to Get Promoted, V.C. Johnson, C. Wolf-Hall, A. Burnett, C. Bilen-Green, September 2015.
5th Annual Red River Valley Conference on Statistics, Student Evaluation: A Gender Comparison, L. Huebner, May 1, 2015
University of South Dakota, Biennial Women and Gender Conference, Leveling the Playing Field for Women Faculty, C. Wolf-Hall, K. Froelich, April 2015.
WEPAN 2015 Conference Presentation, Panel session: Creating Inclusive Environments: Improving the Climate for Female Faculty in Engineering, S. Beverly, E. Allen, C. Ontiveros, K. Froelich.
WEPAN 2015 Conference Presentation, Panel session: Successful Climate Initiatives at NSF ADVANCE Institutions: Best Practices from the Field, S. Goodwin, C. Bilen-Green, S. Metz, S. Lord, J. Carpenter.
ASEE 2015 Conference, “Implementation of Advocates and Allies Programs to Support and Promote Gender Equity in Academia” R. Green.
ASEE 2015 Conference, Interactive Panel on Perspectives and Practical Skills for Men as Advocates for Gender Equity,” R. Green, et al.
Schwert presented on the role the men faculty in helping to create a better climate for women faculty at the Indo-U.S. Roundtable on ADVANCing Women Faculty in STEM, November 15, 2014 in New Delhi, India. The Roundtable was organized by the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) in partnership with NSF and the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. “Women in Science” is one of the priority areas for engagement between the United States and India. Both countries share a common goal of promoting, enabling and retaining women in science, and increasing access to science and technology for women. The Roundtable was organized in conjunction with the 3rd Indo-US Joint Commission Meeting on Science & Technology scheduled for November 14-17, 2014 in New Delhi. The objective of the Roundtable was to share best practices and to identify and co-develop joint programs to promote leadership, mentoring, and networking and build research to research collaborations among women scientists and researchers from both countries.
INFORMS Conference, WORMS: Academic Leadership, V. Bier, C. Bilen-Green, A. Smith, November 2014.
Presented a panel session on “Work/Life Balance Policies for Faculty” at Society of Women Engineers Conference (Bilen-Green, October 2014).
Organized and presented a panel session on “Promotion to Professor” at UND ACE Conference (Bilen-Green, Clark Johnson, Wolf-Hall, Burnett, September 2014).
WEPAN WEBINAR, April 16, 2014, Male Allies Moving the Gender Equity Needle, C. Bilen-Green, T. Carlson, R. Green, C. McGeorge. A 1-hour public presentation was recorded and is available at
WEPAN 2014 Conference Presentation, Panel session: ADVANCE Approaches to Changing Academic Culture: Educating Allies About Implicit Bias, J. Sheridan, C. Bilen-Green, G. Leibnitz.
WEPAN 2014 Conference Presentation, Panel session: Policies for Leveling the Playing Field, C. Bilen-Green, S. Carlson, K. Froelich, S. Holbrook.
ASEE 2014 Conference, Interactive Panel on “Advocacy Tips: an Initiative to Provide Individuals the Tools to Advocate for Women and Underrepresented Minorities” B. Holloway, S. D. Eksioglu, C. Bilen-Green, R. Chavela, T. Reed, A. Minerick, R. Green.
Presented “Doing Institutional Ethnography in the University: A Case Study on Institutional Change” at Conference of Qualitative Inquiry, May 18, 2013, University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign: (Weber).
Gave an invited talk entitled, “Engaging Male Colleagues in Institutional Transformation,” at the Texas A&M Advance Scholar Symposium on October 11, 2012 (Bilen-Green).
Gave an invited talk entitled, “Engaging Male Colleagues in Institutional Transformation,” at the Texas A&M Advance Scholar Symposium in October 2012 (Bilen-Green).
Weber, Christina. “Policy and Social Change from Below: Does Our Relationship to Policy Impact Institutional Change?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP), August 16-18, 2012, in Denver, Colorado.
4. Poster Presentations
NSF ADVANCE PI Meeting, June 2015, Promotion to Professor Initiative, C. Bilen-Green, K. Froelich, A. Burnett, C. Schnell (poster presentation).
NSF ADVANCE PI Meeting, March 2-4, 2014, Programs and Policies for Advancing Women Faculty, C. Bilen-Green, K. Froelich, C. McGeorge, S. Holbrook, C. Schnell (poster presentation).
WEPAN 2014 Conference Presentation, Poster Presentation: Programs for Advancing Women Faculty, C. Bilen-Green, E. Birmingham, K. Froelich, S. Holbrook.
Bilen-Green Canan, Karen Froelich, Ann Burnett, and Sandra Holbrook. “ADVANCE: Advancing Women Faculty at North Dakota State University.” Poster. WEPAN Conference. Dayton, OH. June 2012.
Bilen-Green, C., Froelich, K.A., Holbrook, S. , Ann Burnett, and Rebecca Mellem. ADVANCE: Advancing Women Faculty at North Dakota State University. Poster presented at the WEPAN annual conference, June 2012, Columbus, Ohio.
Bilen-Green, Canan and Donald Schwert. "ADVANCE: Advancing Women Faculty at North Dakota State University." 15th International Conference for Women Engineers and Scientists. Adelaide, Australia. July 2011.
FORWARD Team. "Engaging Men in Institutional Transformation." NSF JAM Conference. Washington, D.C. 2011.
Programs to Support Advancement of Faculty at NDSU. Poster Presentation. WEPAN. Baltimore, MD. April 12-14, 2010.
FORWARD TEAM. ‘Programs to Support Advancement of Women Faculty at North Dakota State University.’ NSF JAM conference, Washington, D.C. 2010.
FORWARD TEAM. ‘Programs to Support Advancement of Women Faculty at North Dakota State University.’ Midwest Regional ADVANCE conference, West Lafayette, IN. 2010.
FORWARD TEAM. NDSU Advance FORWARD: Institutional Transformation at North Dakota State University, NSF ADVANCE PI conference, Washington, D.C. June 2009.
FORWARD TEAM. “Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Processes at North Dakota State University.” WEPAN Conference, Austin, TX. June 2009.
Bilen‐Green, Canan, Elizabeth Birmingham, Ann Burnett, Karen Froelich, Kalpana Katti, Kevin McCaul, Christi McGeorge, Rhonda Magel, Eveadean Myers, Don Schwert, Kay Sizer, Gary Smith, Craig Schnell, Christina Weber, and Charlene Wolf‐Hall. Advancing Women Faculty. Poster Presentation. Iowa State Conference. Ames, IA. October 2008.
5. Presentations at NDSU
Participated in NDSU’s annual Women’s Week with a panel presentation on Wednesday, February 27, 2013, entitled “FORWARD After 5.” Burnett, Schwert and Weber reflected on the NDSU climate for women after close to 5 years of targeted efforts through the Advance FORWARD project.
Participated in NDSU Women’s Club Winter Event with a presentation on February 9, 2013, entitled “Retaining and Advancing Women Faculty” by Bilen-Green.
Presented results of the 2011-12 Advance FORWARD Gender & Equity Research grant: “Stereotyped: The Myth of Simple Classroom Fixes” at a pedagogical luncheon in February 2013. The researcher-panelists explored stereotype threat, including ways in which faculty activate and ameliorate stereotype threat in our undergraduate classrooms. Using evidence from NDSU and across the nation, they presented results from their investigations of the complexities of assessing student learning in light of readily activated stereotype threat (Jennifer Momsen, assistant professor of biological sciences; Mila Kryjevskaia, assistant professor of physics; Lisa Montplaisir, assistant professor of biological sciences; Erika Offerdahl, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry; Warren Christensen, assistant professor of physics; and Shanda Lauer, graduate student in biological sciences). Over 90 NDSU faculty attended the luncheon.
Burnett, Ann and Jim Council. Using Effective Communication Strategies to Reduce Conflict at Work Part 2. YMCA of NDSU Brown Bag. March 7, 2012.
Burnett, Ann and Jim Council. Using Effective Communication Strategies to Reduce Conflict at Work. YMCA of NDSU Brown Bag. October 26, 2011.
Froelich, K.A., and Bilen-Green, C. “Female Executives and Professionals: Gender Issues on the Job.” Invited presentation at YMCA of NDSU Brown Bag, April 2010.
Advancing Faculty to Move NDSU Forward. FORWARD Forum. December 2008.
Birmingham, Elizabeth, Ann Burnett, Canan Bilen-Green, and Evie Myers. FORWARD Report #1/Climate. NDSU Brown Bag Luncheon. October 2008.