NSF 12 Indicators

As part of the Advance FORWARD project, NDSU will collect and compile NSF 12 Indicators data annually as one means to assess progress.  These data will be shared with academic deans and department chairs/heads and posted on this web page. &nbs

  1. Number and percent of women faculty in science/engineering departments.
  2. Number and percent of women in tenure-line positions by rank and department.
  3. Tenure/promotion outcomes by gender.
  4. Years in rank by gender.
  5. (a) Time at Institution (b) Attrition by gender.
  6. Number of women in science/engineering who are in non-tenure-track positions (teaching and research).
  7. Number and percent of women scientists and engineers in administrative positions.
  8. Number and percent of women faculty in science/engineering in endowed/named chairs.
  9. Number and percent of women faculty in science/engineering on promotion and tenure committees.
  10. Salary of science/engineering faculty by gender (controlling for department, rank,  years in rank). †
  11. Space allocation of science/engineering faculty by gender (with additional controls such as department, etc.): baseline and year 5.*
  12. Start-up packages of newly hired science/engineering faculty by gender (with additional controls such as field/department, rank, etc.)

† 2007 data for item #10 is not available.

* 2007 data for item #11 is not available.

NDSU 12 indicators data for 2008-09 by College

NDSU 12 indicators data for 2007-08 by College

NDSU 12 indicators data for 2008-09 -- coming soon

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