Moths of North Dakota

Noctuoidea Notodontidae: Heterocampinae

Schizura leptinoides (Grote 1864)

Common name: Black blotched schizura

Hodges #: 8011

Identification: Rfw 15.85 mm, long black basal dash diagnostic, note also blurred black reniform.  Members of the genus Schizura are distinguished from the related genera Heterocampa and Lochmaeus by the evenly narrow Rs cell above the discal cell on the hw and from members of the Notodontinae in having the male antennae pectinate with the pectinations abruptly shorter at about 2/3 the antennal length, the apical 1/3 is simple. 

Similar species: 7917, 7957, 7983, 8005, 8006, 8007, 8009, 8010, 8012, 8017.

Distribution: southern Canada and temperate United States east of the Great Plains.

Hosts: Larval have been reported from a wide variety of plants including- Birch- Betula, Cherry- Prunus, Apple- Malus, Hawthorn- Crataegus, Rose- Rosa, Poplar- Populus, Willow- Salix, Walnut- Juglans, Oak- Quercus, and Ironwood- Ostrya. 


MN.  Becker Co.  7- VI- 1961. R. W. Poole.

Forewing of Schizura leptinoides, arrow indicates long basal dash.








Last updated: 04/14/09

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 in Moths of North Dakota: an online identification guide. 
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Dr. Gerald M. Fauske
collection manager, NDSIRC
research specialist, NDSU
216 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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