Dec. 9, 2008

Annual reminder of NDSU animal welfare policy


The NDSU “Guidelines for the Care and Use of Vertebrate Animals” are intended to ensure the humane care of animals used within the NDSU system. The guidelines assist principal investigators and other personnel in the proper procedures and conduct of animal care.  

Universities, hospitals and other institutions that conduct federally funded research using animals as research subjects are required by federal law to establish a committee responsible for reviewing such proposed research. To comply with these regulations, NDSU established the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

The NDSU committee created the “Guidelines for the Care and Use of Vertebrate Animals” based on federal animal regulations, as well as additional policies for animal use activities conducted within the NDSU system. The committee requires that activities involving vertebrate animals, regardless of funding source, must comply with NDSU animal use policies and federal regulations.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee roles are to promote the humane care of animals used in research, teaching and testing, and to provide information to the institution that enhances animal well-being, the quality of research and the advancement of biological knowledge that is relevant to humans or animals.

These are accomplished through review of all proposed use of live vertebrate animals in teaching, research and testing including regular review of all ongoing activities; inspections of NDSU animal facilities at least once every six months; review of the NDSU animal care and use program every six months; and training faculty, staff and students participating in animal care and use.

Researcher roles include obtaining committee approval prior to initiating any work with animals, ensuring proper training and documentation of training for all animal-care personnel, submitting timely updates for ongoing projects and notifying the committee of any proposed changes in the animal protocol or additional personnel that will be working with the animals.

The completed Blackboard quiz serves as documentation for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Core Module. The “Training Certification Form” serves as documentation that animal care personnel have been trained in procedures specific to the protocol and species with which they are working.

For any questions regarding the policy, contact the NDSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee office at 1-8114 or 1-8995 or go to

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