April 8, 2009

NDSU instructors encouraged to leverage remaining class time with technology


Provost Craig Schnell is encouraging faculty to be creative in dealing with the loss of two weeks of class time due to the flood, and the Information Technology Services Instructional Services team wants to help. Here are a few offerings on using technology to leverage the rest of the semester:

Information Technology Services will present “FloodBytes” on Tuesday, April 14, and Wednesday, April 15, from noon to 12:55 p.m. in EML 183. Bring your lunch. Participants will learn how to extend class time through Podcasting, Wimba Classroom, Jing and the Bb Discussion Board.

Visit www.ndsu.edu/its/rd/flood to get more ideas on extending your class time.

“An Introduction to Wimba Classroom” is planned for Thursday, April 9, from 10 a.m. to noon and on Thursday, April 16, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The event is a hands-on training session that can be held virtually or you can record a class. Register at www.ndsu.edu/its/training_resources (click on Faculty/Staff Training/Register for Classes).

Departmental training is available. For more information, e-mail ndsu.blackboard.support@ndsu.edu or contact Cj Johnson at 1-6245, Tammy Cummings at 1-1090, Randy Wald at 1-5136, Lorna Olsen at 1-6328 or Nancy Lilleberg at 1-7140.

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