Aug. 16, 2018

NDSU Extension agents, specialists honored


Two NDSU Extension specialists and several agents were honored during the National Association of County Agricultural Agents conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Award recipients were:

• Lindy Berg, agriculture and natural resources agent in Towner County – state winner for a promotional piece for the "Women on the Farm" workshop and a state winner in the Search for Excellence in Young, Beginning or Small Farmers/Ranchers category for a workshop titled "Turning a Profit: Transitioning Your Hobby Into a Business" (Katelyn Hain, agriculture and natural resources agent in Nelson County, was the co-developer of the Turning a Profit workshop.)

• Brad Brummond, agriculture and natural resources agent in Walsh County - regional winner, Hall of Fame

• Greg Endres, cropping systems specialist at NDSU's Carrington Research Extension Center  - state winner for a publication titled "Corn Response to Phosphorus Starter Fertilizer in North Dakota"

• Hain - accepted to give a presentation on soil health and water quality

• Alicia Harstad, agriculture and natural resources agent in Stutsman County - national Achievement Award; also accepted to give a presentation about a bus tour she and other NDSU Extension specialists and agents took to Nebraska to see and learn about Palmer amaranth, an invasive weed, and the teaching materials they developed

• Mohamed Kahn, sugar beet specialist - National Creative Excellence Award for developing a new method of controlling cercospora leaf spot in sugar beets

• Penny Nester, agriculture and natural resources agent in Kidder County – state and regional winner and national finalist for a poster on the impacts of bale grazing on soil health and herbage production in south-central North Dakota (Kevin Sedivec, rangeland management specialist; Mary Berg, livestock environmental management specialist; Chris Augustin, soil health specialist at NDSU's North Central Research Extension Center; Sheldon Gerhardt, agriculture and natural resources agent in Logan County; Marissa Leier, agriculture and natural resources agent in Morton County; and Fara Brummer, former livestock systems specialist at NDSU's Central Grasslands Research Extension Center, were co-developers of the poster)

• Rick Schmidt, agriculture and natural resources agent in Oliver County – state winner for a video presentation on nitrate testing

• LoAyne Voigt, agriculture and natural resources agent in Renville County - national Distinguished Service Award

• Todd Weinmann, agriculture and natural resources agent/horticulture in Cass County - state winner in the Search for Excellence in Consumer or Commercial Horticulture category for a response to community forums Extension held to gather information on citizens' concerns and needs

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