Oct. 22, 2009

Advance FORWARD plans promotion and tenure lecture


Dana Britton, professor of sociology at Kansas State University and editor of the journal, Gender and Society, will present "Universities as Gendered Organizations: Theory and Practice," on Thursday, Nov. 5, at 12:15 p.m. in the Memorial Union Arikara room. The NDSU community is invited to attend the event, sponsored by NDSU Advance FORWARD. A free lunch will be served.

Britton's lecture will focus on promotion and tenure processes that she has studied through her participation in the Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination grant program. NDSU is one of eight institutions participating in the Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination grant.

Britton will conduct interviews with faculty throughout the week of Nov. 2.

Registration is required and can be completed at ndsuadvance.ndsu.nodak.edu/registration/november_5.html.

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