Jan. 21, 2010

NDSU holds poster contest to promote heart health


North Dakota youth have a chance to exercise their creativity while sending a message that living a heart-healthy lifestyle is important. The NDSU Extension Service; the Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences; and the Center for 4-H Youth Development have teamed up to hold this year’s “Eat Smart. Play Hard.” poster contest. The North Dakota Dietetic Association is sponsoring the contest.

The “On the Move to Better Heart Health” contest is open to youth 8- to 19-years-old as of Sept. 1, 2009. The theme of the posters must relate directly to eating heart-healthy foods and/or playing hard to build and keep a healthy heart. Judges will consider how well the posters present information, their general appearance and their importance in educating others about healthy lifestyles.

“Eat Smart. Play Hard.” is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service. Its objective is making America’s children healthier. It includes practical suggestions to motivate children and their caregivers to eat a healthy diet and be active.

The winners in both divisions will receive a $50 gift card for first place, a $35 gift card for second place and a $15 gift card for third place.

For more information, go to www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/4h/GroupProjects/PosterContestRules.pdf

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