Feb. 21, 2020

Civic Innovation Force: NDSU students to address city issues


NDSU students have an exciting new opportunity to tackle real-world issues facing the city of Fargo. NDSU’s Nice Center is partnering with the city in a project called the Civic Innovation Force.

The project is scheduled to hold a special Leap Day workshop on Saturday, Feb. 29, at 9 a.m. in the Memorial Union. Students will identify areas of interest, and work in inter-disciplinary groups to formulate solutions to pitch to the city.

The session will focus on these areas:

• Communications

• Landscape Architecture and Architecture

• Arts and Culture

• Climate Change

Students in any major are eligible to apply for the Leap Day event.

“We welcome students to a morning of ideation, as city leaders ask them to pitch their ideas for improving our community,” said Dane Johnson, Nice Center programs manager. “We’d like NDSU students to explore how they can join a select team of student leaders to make a lasting impact on pressing issues facing Fargo.”

Individuals or student teams with the most compelling solutions will be invited to join the Civic Innovation Force and work on their proposed solution. Force members will receive a paid summer internship, a fall scholarship program and an important role in improving the community.

As a student-focused, land-grant, research university, we serve our citizens.

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