Sept. 24, 2013

NDSU to hold calf backgrounding program


Cattle producers will be able to learn about background calves during a video conference the NDSU Extension Service has scheduled Oct. 17 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

"Backgrounding Cattle 2013" will provide updates on cattle feeding for fall 2013. "With the drop in feed prices, backgrounding may make economic sense," said Karl Hoppe, area Extension livestock specialist at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center. "However, good calf prices never seem to stay constant and price protection should be considered. Also, keeping newly weaned calves healthy is a challenge and recognizing sick calves early isn't easy. This program should sharpen your skill for managing these calves."

The video conference will be broadcast at the following locations:

·      NDSU North Central Research Extension Center near Minot

·      Carrington Research Extension Center

·      Dickinson State University, Murphy Hall

·      NDSU Department of Animal Sciences, Hultz Hall, Fargo

·      NDSU Extension county offices in Ashley, Bottineau, LaMoure, Lisbon, Napoleon, Stanley and Washburn

The topics and presenters are:

·      Corn silage: Economics for growing and chopping in 2013 - John Dhuyvetter, area Extension livestock specialist, North Central Research Extension Center

·      Corn silage: How much can you feed to a calf? - Carl Dahlen, Extension beef cattle specialist, NDSU Department of Animal Sciences

·      Cost of gain with new crop feed prices - Hoppe

·      Good calf prices: How to protect them and is it worth it? - Tim Petry, Extension livestock economist, NDSU Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics

·      Which calf needs extra medicine: Updates in identification and treating - Gerry Stokka, veterinarian and Extension livestock stewardship specialist, NDSU Department of Animal Sciences

·      Local conversations: Time to share local concerns - local Extension agents or specialists

The event is free of charge. No registration is required.

For more information, contact Dhuyvetter at 701-857-7682 or, Dahlen at 701-231-5588 or, Hoppe at 701-652-2951 or or your local Extension agent.

NDSU is recognized as one of the nation's top 108 public and private universities by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.

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