Kelly Buettner-Schmidt, PhD, RN, FAAN
Professor Emeritus
RWJF Nursing and Health Policy Fellow, 2009-2013
Doctor of Philosophy, Nursing and Health Policy, 2013
University of New Mexico
Master of Science, Nursing, 1996
University of North Dakota
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 1983
University of North Dakota
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Nursing Health Policy Fellow (2008-2013), University of New Mexico. http://nursinghealthpolicy.org/student/kelly-buettner-schmidt/
Professor, NDSU School of Nursing, College of Health Professions
- University Equal Opportunity and Title IX Committee
- University Program Review Committee (Alternate)
- University Curriculum (Alternate)
- Search Committee Dean of the College of Graduate and Interdisciplinary Studies, March 2021 – October 2021
- Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research (IRB) 2016-2020
- NDSU Graduate faculty, Full member
- College of Health Profession Promotion, Tenure, and Evaluation Committee
- School of Nursing, Graduate Council
- School of Nursing, Promotion, Tenure, and Evaluation Committee
- School of Nursing, Promotion, Tenure, and Evaluation: Chair 2018-2021
Areas of Expertise
Public Health
Health Policy
Public Health Nursing
Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Tobacco Cessation, Prevention, and Control
Professional Memberships/Associations
American Academy of Nursing
American Nurses Association
American Public Health Association
North Dakota Center for Nursing
North Dakota Nurses Association
North Dakota Public Health Association
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society
Tobacco-Free North Dakota
Western Institute of Nursing (WIN)
Journal reviewer for multiple journals: Advances in Nursing Science; American Journal of Preventive Medicine; Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada; Journal of Pediatric Nursing; Nursing Outlook; Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice; Preventing Chronic Disease; Public Health Nursing; Tobacco Control; Western Journal of Nursing Research
Grant Reviewer: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Alumni Network Activation Fund (2020); Midwest Nursing Research Society, Grant Review Committee (2017-2018)
Outside Portfolio Reviewer for Tenure/Promotion: George Washington University; South Dakota State University; University of Northern Colorado
Recent Grants
2019-2022: Collaborative Tobacco Prevention and Control Activities and Study
2019: Vape Stores and ENDS Refills
2018: E-liquid and Nicotine: Public Health Implications
2016-2017: Chiropractor Practices: Systems Change for Effective Tobacco Cessation
2016: Tobacco Systems Change for Effective Cessation
2015-2016: Health Systems Change for Effective Cessation Services: A Planning Grant
2014 -2015: ND Tobacco Smoke Pollution and Compliance Study
Awards and Honors
Research Awards
- Legendary Nurse Award in Research, North Dakota Center for Nursing, 2018
- Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, College of Health Professions, North Dakota State University, 2018
- Edith Anderson Nursing Leadership Education Grant, Sigma Theta Tau International Foundation, 25th International Nursing Research Congress, Hong Kong, 2014
- Estelle H. Rosenblum Outstanding Dissertation, College of Nursing, University of New Mexico, 2013
Other Honors and Awards
- Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, 2016
- Vision 2013 Merit Award Recipient, Minot State University, 2011
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, University of New Mexico, Nursing and Health Policy Collaborative Fellow, 2008 – 2013
- Lillian Wald Service Award, American Public Health Association, Public Health Nursing Section, 2005
- Volunteer of the Year, American Cancer Society (North Dakota), 2002
- Friend of Medicine Award, North Dakota Medical Association, 2002
- A Breathe of Fresh Care Award, North Dakota Society for Respiratory Care, 2002
- Champion of the Heart Award, American Heart Association, North Dakota Affiliate, 2002
- Institute for State Leaders, American Cancer Society, Park City, Utah, 2001
Selected Publications
Buettner‐Schmidt, K., Swanson, K., Maack, B., Barnacle, M., Miller, D., Orr, M., & Hatlen Gag, M. (in press, 2021, December). E-cigarettes for tobacco cessation: Not the solution. The Nurse Practitioner.
Buettner‐Schmidt, K., Miller, D., Orr, M., Rykal, K., Swanson, K., & Berry, M. (2021). Compliance with North Dakota’s smoke‐free law among vape and tobacco specialty shops. Public Health Nursing, 38(5), 878-884. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.12916
Buettner-Schmidt, K., Miller, D. R., Orr, M., Balasubramanian, N., Rykal, K., Steward, K.F., Swanson, K., Berry, M. (2021). Electronic cigarette refill liquids: Nicotine content, presence of child-resistant packaging, and in-shop compounding. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 50, 45-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2020.12.016
Buettner-Schmidt, K., Muhlbradt, M., & Brierly, L. (2021). Why not Minot: The battle over North Dakota’s first smoke-free ordinance. In D. J. Mason, Dickson, E., McLemore, M.R., Perez, A. Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care (8th ed., pp. 555-561). Saunders. (Invited).
Miller, D. R., Buettner-Schmidt, K., Orr, M., Rykal, K., & Niewojna, E. (2020). A systematic review of refillable e-liquid nicotine content accuracy. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 61, 20-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japh.2020.09.006
Buettner-Schmidt, K., Miller, D. R., & Maack, B. (2019). Disparities in rural tobacco use, smoke-free policies, and tobacco taxes. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 41(8), 1184-1202. https://doi.org/10.1177/0193945919828061 (Invited manuscript).
Buettner-Schmidt, K., Maack, B., Larson, M., Orr, M., Miller, D. R., & Mills, K. (2018). Systems change to improve tobacco use identification and referral in the chiropractic setting: A pilot study. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 26(45), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12998-018-0214-y [Database].
Buettner-Schmidt, K., Boursaw, B., & Lobo, M. L. (2018). Place and policy: Secondhand smoke in restaurants and bars. Nursing Research, 67(4), 324-330. http://doi.org/10.1097/NNR.0000000000000286 [Database].
Buettner-Schmidt, K., Boursaw, B., Lobo, M. L. & Travers, M. J. (2017). Tobacco smoke pollution in hospitality venues before and after passage of statewide smoke-free legislation. Public Health Nursing, 34(2), 166–175. http://doi.org/10.1111/phn.12301 [Database].
Buettner-Schmidt, K., & Miller, D. (2017). An observational study of compliance with North Dakota’s smoke-free law among retail stores that sell electronic smoking devices. Tobacco Control, 26, 452-454. http://doi.org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2015-052888 [Database].
Buettner-Schmidt, K., Miller, D., & Balasubramanian, N. (2016). Electronic cigarette refill liquids: Child-resistant packaging, nicotine content, and sales to minors. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 31(4), 373-379. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2016.03.019 [Database].
Buettner-Schmidt, K., & Malone, R. E. (2016). Taking action: The nightingales take on big tobacco. In D. J. Mason, Gardner, D. B., Hopkins Outlaw, F., & O’Grady, E. T. Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care (7th ed.). Saunders.
Buettner-Schmidt, K., Lobo, M. L., Travers, M. J., & Boursaw, B. (2015). Tobacco smoke pollution exposure and impact of smoking legislation on rural and non-rural hospitality venues in North Dakota. Research in Nursing and Health, 38, 268-277. http://doi.org/10.1002/nur.21662 [Database].
Buettner-Schmidt, K., & Lobo, M. L. (2012). Social justice: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(4), 948–958. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05856.x