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Get Paid to Offer Summer Professional Development Courses

K-12 teachers are required to obtain professional development credits to maintain their license. Find out how you can offer a class and get paid for it.

We invite individuals from all NDSU departments to connect with K-12 teachers statewide by offering professional development classes in your field of expertise. The Office of Teaching and Learning’s Distance and Continuing Education program is currently seeking high-quality, relevant, graduate-level professional development classes for our annual summer course catalog. Class proposals are due February 18th in order to allow time for production of our summer bulletin, however, individuals can offer classes throughout the year. 

If you want to connect with the K-12 community or have a grant that requires you to distribute information to K-12 schools, this is a great way to connect with those schools. The Distance and Continuing Education program regularly communicates with K-12 educators regarding professional development and other trainings. We assist you in offering your class by seeking approval for professional development credit, marketing your class, getting students registered, and handling payments. 

Compensation for instructors of professional development courses varies. Our goal is to keep the cost of professional development affordable as most teachers pay out-of-pocket for their credits. In North Dakota, teachers are required to take graduate-level professional development classes to maintain their teaching license. If you are an NDSU-affiliated instructor and you participated in the Summer 2021 GEER Grant, you may continue offering that course in any semester you choose. 

We invite you to share what you know so K-12 teachers can use the understanding, skills, and applications in the classroom tomorrow.


Contact Stacy Duffield or Barb Schumacher to discuss offering summer courses.

Or, view more information on our website. >>

K-12 Professional Development Program at NDSU OTL
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