251 Topics Detail

  1. Measurement [typically includes:  definition of physics; SI system, units, & unit conversions; significant figures]
  2. One-Dimensional Motion [typically includes:  displacement, speed, velocity, & acceleration; motion with constant acceleration & free-fall]
  3. Vectors [typically includes:  vector vs. scalar quantities; addition & subtraction; components; unit vector notation; vector multiplication (dot & cross products)]
  4. Multidimensional Motion [typically includes:  position, displacement, velocity, & acceleration as vectors; projectile motion; uniform circular motion, centripetal acceleration, & period; relative motion]
  5. Newton’s Laws of Motion [typically includes:  forces, inertia, Newton’s first law, & translational equilibrium; superposition of forces & net force; inertial reference frames; Newton’s second law; distinction between mass & weight; drawing free-body diagrams & identifying forces; Newton’s third law & force pairs; applying Newton’s laws]
  6. Applications of Newton’s Laws [typically includes:  friction (static & kinetic); drag forces & terminal speed; centripetal forces]
  7. Work & Kinetic Energy [typically includes:  definitions of energy & work; work as a dot product; kinetic energy & work-kinetic energy theorem; work done by gravity; work done by a variable force; spring force, Hooke’s law, & work done by the spring force; power & power as a dot product]
  8. Potential Energy & Conservation of Energy [typically includes:  definition of potential energy, relation to work, conservative & nonconservative forces; gravitational & elastic potential energy; conservation of mechanical energy; interpreting a potential energy curve (relation between potential energy & force, equilibrium & turning points); work done by external forces, work done by friction, & thermal energy; conservation of energy for isolated systems; power as the rate of energy change]
  9. Center of Mass & Linear Momentum [typically includes:  determining the center of mass (system of particles vs. extended body); motion of the center of mass & Newton’s second law for a system of particles; linear momentum (particle vs. system) & Newton’s second law in terms of momentum; impulse & impulse-momentum theorem; conservation of linear momentum; collisions:  inelastic & elastic]
  10. Rotation & Torque [typically includes:  angular position, angular displacement, angular velocity, & angular acceleration; rotation with constant angular acceleration; relations between linear and angular variables; kinetic energy of rotation; moment of inertia (system of particles, extended body, & parallel-axis theorem); torque, torque as a cross product, & right-hand rule; Newton’s second law for rotation; work done by torque, work-kinetic energy theorem for rotation, & power due to torque]
  11. Rolling & Angular Momentum [typically includes:  smooth rolling motion (translation + rotation, kinetic energy, & forces/torques involved); angular momentum (particle, cross product, & system or extended body about a fixed axis); Newton’s second law in angular form; conservation of angular momentum]
  12. Equilibrium & Elasticity [typically includes:  stable vs. unstable equilibrium; static equilibrium calculations; stress & strain]
  13. Gravitation [typically includes:  Newton’s law of gravity; gravity near Earth’s surface; generalized gravitational potential energy & escape speed; Kepler’s laws]
  14. Fluids* [typically includes:  density & pressure; pressure vs. depth; measuring pressure; Pascal’s principle & hydraulics; Archimedes’ principle, buoyant force, & floating; ideal vs. real fluids; equation of continuity; Bernoulli’s equation]
  15. Periodic Motion [typically includes:  Hooke’s law & simple harmonic motion (period, frequency, amplitude, angular frequency, phase constant, velocity, acceleration, & conservation of energy); pendulums; relation between simple harmonic motion & uniform circular motion; damped simple harmonic motion; driven oscillations & resonance]
  16. Temperature, Matter, & Heat [typically includes:  distinction between temperature, thermal energy, internal energy, & heat; thermal equilibrium, zeroth law of thermodynamics, & direction of heat flow; temperature scales, gas thermometer, & absolute zero; thermal expansion; phases of matter & phase changes; specific heats, latent heats, & calorimetry; heat transfer mechanisms]
  17. Ideal Gases & the First Law of Thermodynamics [typically includes:  ideal gases (empirical gas laws & ideal gas law); pV work & pV diagrams; work & heat in ideal gas processes (isochoric, isobaric, isothermal, & adiabatic); first law of thermodynamics & relation to conservation of energy; internal energy as a state function]
  18. Kinetic Theory of Gases [typically includes:  relating pressure to molecular collisions; relating temperature to rms speed; relating translational kinetic energy to temperature; molar specific heats of monatomic & diatomic gases]
  19. Entropy, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, & Heat Engines [typically includes:  second law of thermodynamics; cyclic processes; heat engines, efficiency, & Carnot engine; optional:  entropy, irreversible vs. reversible processes, refrigerators, third law of thermodynamics]

indicates optional chapter or topic.

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