National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Chemical Hazard Labels

NFPA Rating (optional)

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has developed a system for indicating the health, flammability and reactivity hazards of chemicals. In addition, a special precaution symbol may be used where necessary

Rating Summary

Health (Blue)

4DangerMay be fatal on short exposure. Specialized protective equipment required
3WarningCorrosive or toxic. Avoid skin contact or inhalation
2WarningMay be harmful if inhaled or absorbed
1CautionMay be irritating
0 No unusual hazard

Flammability (Red)

4DangerFlammable gas or extremely flammable liquid
3WarningFlammable liquid flash point below 100 degrees F
2CautionCombustible liquid flash point of 100 degrees to 200 degrees F
1 Combustible if heated
0 Not combustible

Reactivity (Yellow)

4DangerExplosive material at room temperature
3DangerMay be explosive if shocked, heated under confinement or mixed with water
2WarningUnstable or may react violently if mixed with water
1CautionMay react if heated or mixed with water but not violently
0StableNot reactive when mixed with water

Special Notice Key (White)

WWater Reactive
OxyOxidizing Agent


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