Online Laboratory Safety Training Courses

The Safety Office provides a wide variety of Laboratory Safety Training Courses. This page provides information on training requirements, course offerings, and enrollment.
What Online Laboratory Safety Training Courses are Required?

Students, staff and other personnel working in laboratory spaces must complete any training relevant to their work and/or the hazards of the lab or that is assigned by their department.

Principal investigators and lab supervisors must complete the same trainings assigned to those working in their lab in additon to Laboratory Safety Training for Principal Investigators.

How Often is Training Required?

Most Online Laboratory Safety Training Courses are required to be completed annually and are valid for the fiscal year (July 1st – June 30th). Online Waste Handling Refresher Training is required every semester.

How Do I Complete Online Laboratory Safety Trainings?
  1. Log into Vector Solutions using your Bison Login and Password.
  2. Navigate to 'My Assignments' to view and complete any obligated courses.
  3. If you need to complete additional courses that are not listed in “My Assignments,” then navigate to “Extra Training,” and either search for a specific course (be sure to have the correct course name), or navigate to the “Policy” tile where most of NDSU training courses are. 
What Laboratory Safety Training Courses are Offered Online?

Laboratory Safety Training: This course contains information about general laboratory safety and how to identify hazards in the lab. It includes information on fire and electrical hazards and helps prepare for emergency situations.

Vector Solutions Course Name Laboratory Safety Training FY25 (Policy Tile)

Waste Handling Online Refresher - This course contains information on proper waste handling and is required each semester for all employees that generate hazardous waste. IMPORTANT:IN-PERSON Initial Waste Handling Training must be completed BEFORE enrolling in the Online Refresher (scroll down for more information). 

Vector Solutions Course Name Waste Handling Online Refresher Training (current semester date) (Policy Tile)

Radiation Safety Training: This course contains basic radiation safety information.. Additional training requirements must be met if an employee will be actively working with radioactive material. 

Vector Solutions Course Name Radiation Safety Training FY25 (Policy Tile)

Biosafety and Bloodborne Pathogens Training:  This course contains basic information on biohazards and biosafety awareness for those working in laboratories with infectious substances and/or bloodborne pathogens. Additional training requirements must also be met as part of a research team under approval of the Institutional Biosafety Committee. See links elsewhere on the "Recommended for all Employees" tab under “Training” to the left for CITI Biosafety Training. 

Vector Solutions Course Name Biosafety and Bloodborne Pathogens Training FY25 (Policy Tile)

Nanomaterial Safety Training: This course contains basic information on nanoscale materials and the unique safety issues associated with working with these materials. It forms a foundation that can be built upon through additional laboratory specific training. 

Vector Solutions Course Name Nanomaterial Safety Training FY25 (Policy Tile)

Laboratory Safety Training for Principal Investigators: This course is designed to familiarize the Principal Investigator or Laboratory Supervisor with additional requirements and responsibilities associated with their role. 

Vector Solutions Course Name Laboratory Safety Training for Principal Investigators FY25 (Policy Tile)

Initial Waste Handling Training (In-Person)

In-Person training required by any employee who might generate hazardous waste or supervise someone generating hazardous waste.
What is Initial Waste Handling Training?

Initial Waste Handling Training is an IN-PERSON course and is only required one time during your NDSU career.

Initial Waste Handling Training contains information on proper waste handling and disposal of many types of regulated wastes on campus.

Who is Required to Complete Initial Waste Handling Training?

Initial Waste Handling Training is required for anyone that may generate or handle regulated wastes AND for anyone that supervises personnel generating or handling regulated wastes.

All employees who use hazardous chemicals in a laboratory, greenhouse, or field site should complete Initial Waste Handling Training.

When Is Initial Waste Handling Training Offered?

A number of in-person training sessions will be offered throughout the semester. If you would like us to provide Initial Waste Handling Training in a departmental group setting, please contact the Safety Office at 701-231-7759 to arrange.

When attending in person at the Memorial Union please bring a lap top with if you are able so you may complete the online quiz.

Thursday, January 16, 2025 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Prairie Rose Room

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Hidatsa Room 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 9:00 a.m. - 11: 00 a.m. Hidatsa Room 

Thursday, February 13, 2025 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Prairie Rose Room 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Hidatsa Room

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Prairie Rose Room LAST SESSION BEFORE LATE FEES APPLIED

All employees who use hazardous chemicals in a laboratory, greenhouse, or field site must complete this initial in-person waste handling training. Online refresher training is required each semester an employee is working in lab thereafter. 

Please see Chemical Hygiene Plan and policy 166.1 concerning institutional laboratory and chemical safety or contact the Safety Office 701-231-7759 if you have questions. 

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