The Parrot Tulip

The Liliaceae Family

By: Timothy Clausen

A Fantasy Parrot Tulip

The parrot tulip is a largely cupped flower that consists of feathered, or twisted petals all in a variety of colors. It averages between a foot and two feet in height. The plant usually does well with full sun, and is hardy in zones 3-7. The parrot tulip usually blooms in the latter part of spring, and makes an excellent choice for flower beds and borders. They also make an excellent choice to put in many bouquets. Aso, going back to around the 17th century, many paintings consisted of the parrot tulip symbolizing romance. Today, that parrot tulip is still allowed to do that by being a part of the flower selections that we choose for our own gardens, arrangements, bouquets, and paintings. Just by seeing a bloom of the parrot tulip is said to be like falling in love because of the boldness and beauty of it. Also the richness and variety of the colors seem to quench all desiring wants of the human flesh.


The Green Wave Parrot Tulip ( The Apricot Parrot Tulip

The Plant Expert:
Tulip World:
The Dutch Gardens:
(A great place to order your bulbs.)