Propagation of Clematis

By: Suzanna Kuchera


        The popular vine plant, Clematis, can be propagated using several different methods, such as: seed, leaf-bud cuttings, division and layering.  The best method to use will depend on the species of Clematis being propagated.  It is best to collect fresh, ripe seeds and plant the seeds directly into the ground in autumn.  It is essential for the seeds to go through a cold period, known as stratification, is order to germinate.     Mother Nature will take care of the stratification of the Clematis seeds if you plant the seeds directly into your garden in the autumn.  If you would rather plant your seeds into pots, opposed to the ground, you will need to store your seeds as close to possible to 39 degrees Fahrenheit for about three months.  Once the cooling period is over, plant the seeds into a moist media and maintain the temperature of the seed’s environment close to 70 degrees Fahrenheit until the seeds germinate.  Be sure that the new seedlings have plenty of light so they do not become spindly.  Once the seedlings are big enough to handle, transplant them into four- inch pots.

            Another easy propagation method for Clematis is that of leaf-bud cuttings.  To start this method one must collect two-inch long softwood cuttings in spring to mid-summer from the current seasons growth.  It is very important to provide the cuttings with a moist and humid environment so they don’t dry out.  To do the following cuts you must be sure to use a sharp knife or pruners.  To make the cut on the stem, cut on a slight angle directly above a node or joint (where the leaves emerge from the stem).

 Be sure there is a strong, healthy bud on each cutting.  The fresh cuttings can be dipped in a rooting hormone to increase the survival rate of the cuttings.  Then the cuttings can be planted into a moist medium.  Place the Clematis cuttings in bright light, not direct sunlight, and provide them with bottom heat of 55-60 degrees Fahrenheit.  Also, place a clear, plastic bag over the cuttings to keep them warm and humid.  Once the cuttings are well rooted, they can be repotted into four-inch pots until they are eventually hardened off and planted outside in their permanent locations.

Easy-to-follow steps for gathering leaf-bud cuttings:

Select a healthy shoot of the current season’s growth.



Use a sharp garden knife to cut the stem above every pair of leaves.  Be careful not to damage any buds.


Dip the base of the cuttings in hormone rooting powder.  Plant them in the soil medium recommended for your cuttings.


Give the pot a thorough watering and then place it in a high humidity area.


Once your cuttings have rooted, place them in individual pots.


With some care and patience your little cutting will grow into a beautiful Clematis plant.


The Clematis plant can also be propagated by means of division.  Each division should be taken from a large plant that is well rooted.  Simply divide the root system of the established plant and place the divisions into the ground, as you would a normal plant. 

            A few species of Clematis can be propagated by layering.  Layering is done by choosing a healthy stem.  Then a slight cut is made on the underside of the stem, near each node.  The cut stem is then buried in the soil.  It is a good idea to pin the stem down to keep it in contact with the soil. 

            I have explained a variety of propagation methods.  I hope you have fun with these easy-to-follow instructions and try your hand at propagating the Clematis plant.   

*Websites Referenced: